Oct 20, 2008 21:47
So life is a motherfucking trip, but I am sure as hell enjoying the ride.
Jazmyne and I aren't friends, after everything that happened with Kristin she went behind my back, hung out with kristin, and then lied to me about it. And of course I knew, the girl isn't half as good of a liar as Kristin is, although I'm sure she'll be getting more practice soon being involved in Kristin's scandalous shit. Oh and on that subject, I never ever stop finding out about the nasty fucked up shit that Kristin has done that I never knew about. Like going to a desert with a bunch of bro's who shall remain unnamed, snorting a bunch of coke, and then getting fucked by every single one of them. There was pictures. I also got to find out how Kristin tried to hook up with Clay last year, the only man I ever really loved, and she damn well knows that. That is about the lowest thing you could possibly ever do to me, and I thought Kristin already did it by stealing from me.
Or like hooking up with Logan, and totally leading him on and fucking him over so he'd smoke her out and drive her around, because she never could get off her lazy ass and actually fucking do something with her life. But then again that is exactly what Jazmyne is like too, dumb as fuck and without a fucking clue.
I've gotten off subject though. So about a month and a half ago Jazmyne and Dylan moved back up to her parent's house in Alpine, and then she just disapeared of the face of the planet, and all the life signs I ever saw of hers were bulletins about how much she misses Kristin and all these other aspects of her identity crisis. Well I guess the conclusion she came to was that she wasn't happy with her life because kristin was missing, which really, if you knew either of those 2 girls, is laughable. The one time we did hang out since then I texted her twice which she never answered, and then I finally called her, and I came up to her house. Everything seemed fine, and I even asked her if she'd seen Kristin, because as I already had the suspicion of her doing that I wanted to open up the conversation on it. And really, I wouldn't have been that pissed off if she wanted to hang out with KRistin, but now I am really fucking pissed off. That night when I asked her, she stuttered and then looked me in the eye and told me this bullshit story, in spite of our years of friendship. There is nothing in this world like a liar and I didn't even know the half of it. Jazmyne then proceeded to cut off our friendship by a text message saying I think its best we go our seperate ways, and then hits up Tim on myspace. She sends him a message saing "So I guess I won't be seeing you anymore but thank you for smoking me and dylan out so many times, sorry I can't pay you back." Fuck that. She can't even fucking pay me the respect of telling me the truth. And of course this turns into her writing an essay [TO TIM nonetheless] about the reasons for why she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. And boy must I just say, I am definitely back to being the Devil Woman and the Scapegoat for this girl, just like every other time she's completely fucking lost her mind. She blamed me for the end of her and Kristin's friendship and said how she doesn't believe that kristin stole 800 dollars from me because I always spend money irresponsibly apparently because of my love of shoppping. But really she doesn't even know the half of my love of shopping because I was saving that money for another Louis, before Kristin jacked it anyways.
And regardless of all that Jazmyne and Kristin stopped being friends before I ever even found out Kristin was stealing from me, so that makes a ton of sense doesn't it?