wow i havent updated in a long ass time but yea i have a wee bit of a problem....i like 2 guys and saposively they both like me too...ones a senior (andy) and the other, a freshmen (frankie) neh dont kno what to do....andy's been taking me and shannon out for lunch the past oh say 2 days....hes awesome and totally funny. i havent hung out with frankie anywhere cept gym class so i dont really kno how he acts with people but grr i dont kno what to do but yes I STILL LOVE JUSTIN and these two fellers will never change my mind about that
oh and i'm grounded cuz on sunday night i got into a fight with my mom, broke my mirror, left the house and went to shaynes......i'm especially grounded for the part where i didnt come home till 1 AM but yea i love shayne hes so awesome. and aw i got to see dirt! (the dog) but yea aw i havent seen kevin since friday....i miss him and i'm grounded this weekend so grr...but my brother is taking me and shannon out to VALUE WORLD tomorrow after school WOO WOO
oh omg i went to homecoming on saturday SO MUCH FUN! ah! i've never danced that much in my whole life! but my date never showed up but he applogized so um i SAPOSE its okay....not realy but i'll be nice. and i seen nicko, hugo, and a butt load of other ppl there too! and and yea! i danced with hugo and some random dude who i dont kno who he is...he jsut came up behind me and so i danced. i didnt slow dance with anyone tho but thats okay i didnt really want to anyway. but yea! i got pics from homecoming too but yea i'll just give u the address for my webthingy....