Dec 03, 2004 19:45
Rick and Mike: VYVYAN!
Vyvyan: Vyvyan, Vyvyan. Every time something blows up in this house its always bloody Vyvyan.
Neil: Beep beep beep, oh no heavy, the coins keep coming out, beep beep beep, even the telephone hates me, beep beep beep, I wish there were no machines, and everyone led a pastoral existence, trees and flowers don't deliberately cool you out and go beep in your ear.
[Speaking to Bambi, the host of "University Challenge"]
Vyvyan: I liked the part where you shoved the drill in the virgin otter's face.
Neil: That wasn't in BAMBI, Vyvyan.
Vyvyan: It was in the sequel, "Bambi Goes Crazy Ape Bonkers with his Drill and Sex"
Neil: Is that true Bambi? Did you do a Disney Nasty?
Rick: Oh yes Vyvyan, when the mountain won't come to Mohammed, smash the drawing room to pieces. That's very Buddhist, isn't it?
[Rick picks up one of Mike's porno mags]
Rick: You're sick, Mike.
Mike: If people weren't sick, we wouldn't need penicillin.
Vyvyan: What we need is a large consignment of very hard drugs.
Rick: Vyvyan, you never told us your mother was a bartender.
Vyvyan: She was a shoplifter when I knew her.
[explaining cereal contest rules]
Vyvyan: You have to write in 10 words what Cornflakes mean to you. So I wrote: Cornflakes. Cornflakes. Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes. Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes.
Rick: PATHETIC. You'll never win, you know.
Vyvyan: Why not?
Rick: That's only 9 words.
Vyvyan: Oh, yeah.
Vyvyan: Cornflakes.
Neil: [Reading his letter to the bank manager] Darling fascist bully-boy... Give me some more money... You bastard... May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman... Neil.
Rick: We've stayed up all bloody night. That's Anarchy for you.