Hi all,
Many of you have expressed interest in this project, so here's the info for the next session for those who would like to attend. I quote some of this from the pamphlet directly.
is a casual comtemporary art performance, allowing Fine Arts students to share and perform their works in progress and creations within an intimate and friendly blackbox space.
This event is FREE! Bring your friends!
There will be 2$ beer and refreshments sold!
The next studio 7 performance will be held Friday November 19th, 2010 at 8pm
in Studio 265, 7th Floor, MB Building, 1450 Guy Street/de Maisonneuve West Metro Guy-Concordia is directly linked to this building.
The DANCE+DRAW=MOVEMENT project is only one of the acts.
A performance addressing interdisciplinary arts within the University, where dance and drawing develop a deep relationship through interaction and experimentation.
If ANYONE wants to attend, feel free! We are also always looking for volunteers to participate for future shows. If you are a dancer or a visual artist (or both!) and wish to take part in DANCE+DRAW, let me know and I'll put you into touch with the Mastermind~ ;)
For those unable to attend but still want to catch a glimpse, Studio 7 has a handy dandy
Original post over at