OK so I admit I had been PMSing rather badly the last couple days and everything has been a bit messed up. I am doing a lot better today. Clearer head, better rested, etc.
Thanks loads to all you wonderful people who have cheered me up, offered advice and offered a kindly ear when I needed it most. <3<3<3<3
hollyberries for writting the most awesome fic this side of awesome; the Sherlock/Temeraire crossover of brilliance:
With Laurel They Go by
hollyberries~7k words . Mild depression, lots of firebreathing . Spoilers: A Study in Pink and general series spoilers for Temeraire
In which Watson is a firebreathing dragon of Her Majesty's Aerial Forces.
Second item on the list, which has JUST come to my attention, is the
Go and share the love, you delightful peeps! Everyone can use a bit more ♥♥♥♥!!
And now a few more recs because those always brighten my day~
ANIMAL, a Sherlock/Lestrade vid by
hanopycanopy Click to view
Grove by
unicornempire A colorful gouache painting illustration. Such a delightful style! *___*
Mr. Sherlock bring me a dream by
sevenwells Ahem. Sherlock/Sandman crossover guys! OMG! \0/
They have an arrangement by
dauntdrawsNSFW Sherlock/John/Mycroft HOTNESS by the talented Daunt.
On Lestrade's Flawed Heart, and Other Slightly Damaged Things by [Unknown LJ tag]
thirdbird8k . R . John/Lestrade
"Lestrade h/c, with John delivering the c." Only the beginning is very hurt-comforty, though; after that it's your basic story of two men struggling to hook up while a sociopathic consulting detective dogs their every move.
I just LOVE the Sherlock-John-Lestrade triangular dynamic in this fic. She's just... got it!!
E by
sarren8k . NC-17 . Sherlock/Lestrade
Lestrade met Sherlock in 2005. Or at least, that’s what he tells people.
I'm on a huge Lestrade kick today, as you can see.
To any fellow Canadians (and visitors), HAPPY THANKSGIVING LONG WEEKEND! \0/ (I don't celebrate it but I appreciate the break. A LOT. )
Original post over at