I fail at reading her handwritting soo much but asdjkhASKJhsakfjgskjfg MARAUDERS kJHSFJFHSKAJF HKAJSFH !!!
HP PREQUEL written for Waterstones Auction!!!!!
JAMESSS!! SIRIUUSS!! *_________*
EDIT Wonderful person did a
TYPED VERSION to save our eyesights, thank you very much!! *-*
*runs around*
Also. SO unmotivated to draw this week. *headdesks at Phoenix Wright* Share some crack? 8D
EDIT2 I barely finished Maya Fey today .____. arghhhh f*ck these chibis are taking longer than my digimon bookmarks!
Oh, i should clarify that i'm drawing bookmarks to sell at my local anime con in july.
Here's a preview ^-^
I have NO IDEA what to do with the background... ideas anyone? ;___;