Feb 05, 2005 08:46
i am really starting to get sick of going to the bar every weekend
why do they have to get drunk every weekend its so annoy
and chris and i got into a text message fight because he still dank 2 beers
i know 2 beers isnt a lot but why does he have to drink every weekend at all
every Friday he has to have one beer or he is not satisfied with the night
its bullshit
he is reminding me of my father
i will not go to the bar anymore on Friday
i dont care if that means i wont see chris Friday night
my friends are no better to
they aim for the weekend is to get drunk too
i dont understand
i know that tonight i will probably drink and that makes me a hypocrite for writing this
but i dont drink every weekend
i dont see the need
even if i go to the bar with chris's friends i do not drink
i am so sickened by people getting drunk every weekend
i probably wont drink for awhile after tonight