Animals As Leaders: Caribou, Wolf, Frog

May 28, 2019 22:18

I was standing at the bottom of the staircase, looking up. Three animals were at the top, looking down at me. They stood tallest to shortest from my left to my right. There was a window behind them with the branches of a tree visible. It was night time and there was no artifical light, only the twilight lingering through the window. Yet I saw the animals clearly.
The tallest of them was a Caribou, standing with their head erect. I saw the velvet fuzz upon their rack.
A Wolf, I believe a Timber Wolf, stood in the middle. Their eyes were golden. The fur on their face was light and progressively darkened as it reached their cheeks, forehead and ears. There was white fur on their chest and belly, but the rest was a dark gray that faded into black.
The third visitor was a green and brown Frog. I'm not sure what variety. They were larger than a Tree Frog, but smaller than a Bullfrog. They were both green and brown with spots. Perhaps it was a Leopard Frog.

My first impression upon awakening and retelling the dream was the same as Dusky's: Did you guys push me down the stairs the other day?
A joking response, but I knew full well it ran deeper than that.

This was a dream that had occurred between multiple other dreams and episodes of wakefulness as my body demanded I change position to appease my injuries.
Despite this, each time I woke I found myself making a conscious effort to lock those moments in my mind for analyzing when I truly woke up.
Something in me knew that this was important, a dream that needed to be rememembered.

If indeed the Frog was a Northern Leopard Frog, then all three of the animal spirits that appeared are Canadian natives. Realizing that, I can't help but feel this is a response given to the part of my prayers appealing to the benevolent ancestors of this land.

And I remember lamenting my temporarily disabled body on the day I fell down the stairs. Mostly because I had been planning to go to the federal building that day.
I had made those plans on that day because it was a Wolf marker from my last Summer Solstice tarot reading. Healing was to occur and new doors were to open between May and June 21st of this year.
I didn't understand. That day was in fact the opposite - I was hurt instead of healing and being injured closed the doors of the federal building and thus opportunity.
So I find it very interesting that Wolf appeared to me where they did in the dream. Was the fall down the stairs not only a nudge to focus on my work, but a test? Perhaps a test of my patience or endurance? That part has yet to become clear, but I can't ignore that connection.

I've been including Frog in my prayers since Spring Equinox, when Tree Frog came up in my tarot reading. So this appearance in the dream did not come as a great surprise although it does make me smile.

Caribou though, is a bit of a mystery to me. Thirty years is a long time, but as far as I can recall, I have never had any encounter with Caribou on the physical or spiritual plane. I haven't recently seen any programs or read any books that feature them. Again, perhaps they appeared as one of the ancestors of this land.

Upon examing their individual symbolism, I am finding further advice to continue detoxing physically and emotionally.

They are encouraging me to connect with water and sound. There was talk of going down to the lake earlier in the day. When we make it down there I will surely bring my drum. This is not just musical encouragment though, I also need to use my voice for self expression.

More symbolism of transformation from all three visitors indicative of being on my way. All three are also reminders that this is a process and though of course my participation is required, things will unfold at their own pace.
Therefore I must endure and be patient with my progress.

Vivid indications that this year will be a powerful one and that the power being lent to me will spill over into winter of the next.

It is my belief that between March and May of 2021, I will have what I need to put roots down in British Columbia. This timeline seems fitting, given what I seem to have gleaned from reading the immigration website. It seems one needs a year minimum of work experience and two is better, when applying for Permanent Residency.
Multiple journeys are indicated within the symbolism of the aforementioned messengers. And I have heard that putting down roots in Canada requires multiple trips back and forth.

This dream was also a challenge - underscored by the fact that the messengers appeared at the top of the stairs I fell down. If coming to live in British Columbia is something I really want to do, this is the time to be unwavering in my dedication and action towards it. Time to seek out information and support while exercising cooperation.
It will be a climb with many ways to slip, but then, as Dusky said to me many years ago, "Nothing worth doing is easy."
That being said, I will still be keeping my eyes peeled for the path of ease, as it speaks of alignment.

caribou, wolf, spiritual, dreams, frog, transformation, animals as leaders

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