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Apr 17, 2006 15:57

Minneapolis is cool.
When DON'T I rush to get everything done? I'm sure I would have been unproductive and lonely this weekend if I had stayed here.
So I got to go to Minneapolis and the 'burbs and stay with Amanda's amazing family who bought me EIGHTY DOLLARS worth of Easter presents (I calculated. Who are these people?). Amanda had some friends over for a bonfire Friday night. I am bringing bonfires to the coast when I come home, they are a wonderful way to spend time with friends. Even though at home I would probably burn my neighborhood down before anyone even got to my house.
We hung out and 'did homework' (napped) in the park by the lakes, with a nice view of the city. Went to a thai restaurant uptown for dinner (uptown, sounds so classy! why doesn't boston have an uptown? do we?), walked around the sculpture gardens, got a grand tour of the cities.
The Minneapolis suburbs are a lot like the Boston suburbs, I feel a lot more at home there than I do in Wisconsin, which has weird suburbs that I do not approve of. Minnesotians are generally more....cultivated than Sconnies. I would almost move there, if it wasn't fifty below zero in the winter. I think my kids would have a much better social experience. The kids from her high school still all hang out together, there are no color-coded segregations or obnoxious 'popular' groups that constitute two thirds of their class....like at some retarded high schools I know. It was hard to maintain Newton pride after immersing myself in Hopkins culture.
Oh, and TPing. I am bringing TPing to Newton this summer.
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