Россия и БРИК

Jun 07, 2009 01:22

Прочитал статью в The Economist, написана, типа, в ответ на Петербургский экономический форум. Далеки ребята от современной России. Им бы только реформировать тотально. Довольно посредственно пишут о ролях Прездилента и Премьера. А еще говорят, мол что России в Брике нет. На этом фоне больше всего понравился вот такой респонс на статью:
enriquecost wrote:
June 6, 2009 14:35


I think the Russian Federation should establish a new capital in Novosibirsk (for ex.) as it would be closer to the Far East and the Asian Markets with high speed trains and a new International Airport connection. Moscow would continue prospering the same way as New York, which is not even the capital of the state of New York.

But I don´t think modern Russia is any kind of reconstruction of the USSR. That´s ridiculous. There is neither an ideological base (Russia has a Partnership for Peace and is member of the OSCE) nor an economic or demographic base for that. Russia is heading towards an stronger association to the European Union. All the opposite, it is NATO the only Cold War organization which has not been dismantled.

I agree with you about centralism and Putin, but centrifugal forces in the Russian Federation were too much strong so that centralist construction is right for the short term, and has been effective. It has established a discipline that the anarchist post-1991 Russian Federation didn´t have. And now it is undertaking structural rationalization of the national subjects with several non viable regions (above all in Siberia´s Far East, next door to Heilongjian) being merged. The process is still going on and probably this year Khavarosk, Amur and the Jewish Oblast will merge.

Новосибирск в столицы, Толоконского в Президенты! Толмачево - переименовать в аэропорт им. Ельцина (а-ля John F. Kennedy International Airport), а ЗСЖД реконструировать, чтобы монорельсы ездили! ржунимагу (((=

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