Year in Review Part One

Jan 03, 2006 23:32

Well, here it is. The beginning of a new year. and like most of you, it makes me think back on the last one. You know, what did I do, where did I go, am I a better person now than then... I can answer some of that.

At the start of 2005 I was living with an ex-boyfriend's parents in Cleveland, OH.
I was single, not working and unhappy with my life. I had no real friends, as the quality of humans I'd encountered in Cleveland wasn't up to par.
Winter in Cleveland is horrible. Living in the snow belt means waking up to two or three feet of snow once or twice a week. This time of the year is my most hated, so you can imagine how I was feeling.
I did go to Bolder Colorado with Lilly(ex's mom) to deliver a new car to her daughter. Seeing real mountains for the first time was awe inspiring. I vowed to return in the summer sometime soon to go camping.

Fast forward a few months, still living in Cleveland, but working so I'm a little happier with myself. I'd met one or two people that didn't make me want to nuke the state into oblivion.

May brings war practice, or Pennsic lite for the lay-person. Three nights of camping, drinking and debauchery with my closest friends. I also found myself with a boyfriend.

Then comes summer. The time of year that can make even the most unpleasant place seem wonderful.

August brings Pennsic. This year I met some of the most wonderful people in the world, drank more than men twice my size, almost went to the hospital and cheated on my boyfriend. Most of those things I regret horribly. I hurt someone I treasure, and damaged my body. I did learn a lesson about my drinking, I needed to get it under control.
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