she was gone - elliot/callie - diy_prompts - (progress)

Jun 16, 2011 17:51

Username: littleton_pace 
Prompt Letter/Word: P for progress for diy_prompts.
Fandom: Law&Order SVU
Summary: Her story starts to unfold.
Character/Ship: Elliot/Callie (original character played by Melissa George)
Author's Notes: An original storyline I've had in my head for awhile, will continue over a few prompts. Set in season 7, after Elliot divorces Kathy and while Olivia is transferred to another unit.
Disclaimer: Written for entertainment only. No copyright infringement intended.

She Was Gone
“Alright, Callie, you have to be thirsty,” Elliot unscrewed the water bottle top and set it next to the cooling cup of green tea - that he noticed was still untouched. “You look like you haven’t slept in days. You have to be hungry. Tired?”

Callie’s eyes fluttered closed but she forced them to stay open.

“You don’t have to say anything.” Elliot said, stepping away from the table again. “Just, please, have a drink, okay?”

Elliot waited back by the door. Callie edged towards the table, but her eyes were on Elliot, as if waiting for him to spring at her. She picked up the water bottle and backed into the corner she’d come from. When her back was leaning against the wall; she tipped the bottle to her lips and gulped down half the liquid in seconds.

“Your baby’s gotta be hungry, too. Have you fed him?”

She gave a nod and nothing more.

“Callie, you’re going to have to talk to me.” Elliot said carefully. “You came to a police station, you came here for help but I can’t do that unless you talk to me.”

“I don’t remember.” She said, yet again.

“We can take it real slow.” Elliot assured her. “How did you get here; to the station? Did you take a bus? A cab?”

Callie shook her head. “I walked.”

“How far?”

She gave him a look; one that said the words she didn’t have to say again. I don’t know.

“You walked with the baby?”


“Did you talk to anyone?”

“Ah...” Her face crinkled as she tried to recall. “A homeless woman gave me this coat.”

A lead. Elliot took his notebook from the back of his jeans pocket and a pen off the table, ready to write. “Do you remember her name?”

“She didn’t speak English.” Callie said shakily. "She was yelling something, threw the coat at me, and ran away. She had one of those hats on that, robbers wear.”


“Yes.” Callie said, sounding much surer of herself. “And she was short; shorter than me.”

Elliot made some notes on his pad. Callie barely reached up to Elliot’s shoulders, so this homeless woman was definitely low 5’s in height.

“Was she carrying anything? A basket? A wheelchair?”

“No, no, she had a shopping cart.” Callie said, nodding along as though she was remembering more things as she spoke. “Yeah, it had the store name on it, Wal-Mart, I think, with the blue on it. There were cats inside. Boxes of garbage, more jackets like this, and cats...” Callie stared up at Elliot. “Why can I remember that? Why can I remember all of that?”

“Because we’re talking about it, the more we talk the more will come back to you.” He set his notepad aside for a moment. “Callie... where’s your baby’s father?”

Callie’s eyes cast down to her child. “I...” She just shook her head instead of finishing her sentence.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Another shake of her head, and she started to shiver.

Elliot leant closer to her so his words were only just above a whisper. “Callie... were you raped?”

Chin quivering, Callie lifted her eyes to meet Elliot’s. She let out a long, slow breath, and then nodded her head.

“Is this your rapists’ child?”

She nodded again, tears resting at her eyelids. “I-” Her breath caught in her throat. “I d-don’t know wh-o who he wa-as.” She stammered, clearly not wanting to cry again. “I don’t remember.”

“Ok,” Elliot nodded not wanting to set her off but desperate for her to give him some more information so he could help her. “Did he have a mask? Or keep you blindfolded.”

Callie stared at a mark on the floor. “It was dark.” She said quietly. “All the time, just... dark. No lights. No windows... but, there was air... like an air flow; from the back of a generator maybe, kept the room warm.”

“Room?” Elliot pressed. “You were in a room.”

Callie closed her eyes tight and tried to remember. “Yes, I think so... I was on the floor. Always on the floor. There was no one else there. I screamed and screamed and no one ever came.”

Elliot reached out and touched her shoulder. “Callie... do you know how long you’ve been missing?”

“I couldn’t keep track.” Callie said weakly. “But I made myself remember the first day, the day I was taken. May twenty-nine 2005. During the day. May twenty-nine 2005... May twenty-nine 2005...”

Elliot’s heart dropped; he fought back the desire to lie to her about how long she’d been gone. “Callie,” He edged as close to her as he dared. “That was almost a year ago.”


law & order svu, callie, diy_prompts, fanfiction, elliot

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