she was in the hallway - elliot/callie - diy_prompts - (persevere)

Jun 16, 2011 00:46

Username: littleton_pace 
Prompt Letter/Word: P for persevere
Fandom: Law&Order SVU
Character/Ship: Elliot/Callie (original character played by Melissa George)
Author's Notes: An original storyline I've had in my head for awhile, will continue over a few prompts. Set in season 7, after Elliot divorces Kathy and while Olivia is transferred to another unit.
Disclaimer: Written for entertainment only. No copyright infringement intended.

She Was In The Hallway

It was barely eight in the morning but Elliot was exhausted. He’d pulled an all nighter and slept in one of the too-small cots in the Crib. After he’d dropped off the signed divorce papers at Kathy’s house - it wasn’t his house anymore - he didn’t feel like going hope to his crappy, lonely apartment, so he went to his second home. Work.

After almost three hours of agitated sleep and three cups of strong coffee he was at his desk sorting through all the paperwork he’d neglected from the day before.

That’s when he saw her.

She had to be in her early-twenties, her dirty caramel hair was wet, tangled and framed her tear-streaked face. She wore a heavy coat; a man’s coat; and in her arms carried a towel with something squirming inside. A baby.

Elliot approached her carefully, concerned she may run, scream, or faint. “Ma’am?”

She didn’t answer him; and didn’t look in his direction. She stared at a spot on the floor, eyes welling with thick tears. Her baby fussed; she tightened her arms around the towel.

“Ma’am?” Elliot said more softly, gingerly reaching out and touching her arm. His touch made her recoil; and snap her eyes right into his with a jump. “Are you okay?” Clearly; she wasn’t, but Elliot needed her to talk.

Slowly, the girl shook her head.

Elliot noticed scars on her face, healed cuts, bleeding wounds on her neck, scrapes across her knuckles and dirt under her fingernails. She looked the epitome of what Elliot believed to be a special victim. “Is this your baby?” he asked carefully.

Just as slowly; she nodded her head, her dry lips parting ever so slightly. “I...” Her breath hitched in her throat as she tried to speak.

“Ma’am,” Elliot didn’t let go of her arm and kept eye contact with her. “My name is Elliot Stabler; I’m a Detective with the Special Victims Unit.”

She nodded again, more fervently this time. “O...kay...” she said, her breath hiccupping mid-word.

“Can you tell me your name?”

“I...” Tears ran down her dirty cheeks leaving trails of clean skin like rain on a window. “I...” Her chin started quivering. “Idon’tknow.” She said very quickly, as if afraid she couldn’t get a sentence out in more than one breath.

“You don’t know your name?”

She shook her head in a panic and started hyperventilating. “I... need... help.”


law & order svu, callie, diy_prompts, fanfiction, elliot

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