That's right, we're on the road to dolly Break-upville.
Two new photostories, for those who follow the Haika/Morgan story......which would be.....just me and vermaxen: I think I've lost my place over at DoA, haha, after a couple months of silence, I get no more love on my photostories! Not that I ever get that much love on DoA. It's kind of like my LJ - I post some really heart-felt entry about my life and get no comments, but I post something like: wow, I just found a really big booger in my nose! and suddenly EVERYBODY responds, LOL, why is that?
Anyway, I'm so gung-ho over WIlliams. He needs a name though like whoa.
aaaand, I had an epiphany about Haika:
His character really comes off like crap in photostories, or whathaveyou. It sounds like he's always angsting, but imagine if you can that he says everything in a deadpan voice. Seriously, I think he would come across better if I portrayed him as more of a comic character. Let's face it, Haika isn't angsty, he's pretty funny, or at least I think so. Perhaps this also needs to be turned into a photostory that no one will ever look at.
Okay, my apartment needs to be cleaned in a major way. And there are really strange noises coming from outside my window.