
May 23, 2010 21:21

TRIGGERS. self-confidence abuse, having to talk about her father's death.
MEDICAL INFO. She was born with a terminal heart condition, which was fixed when she was a young girl by a talented surgeon. She can still exhaust herself or pass out if she tries to overuse her powers, but it doesn't happen as frequently as it did a year ago. Since she's tiny, her body is condensed and much sturdier and stronger proportionally than it would be for her real size, and she can survive falls of several metres with very little problem.
MENTAL INFO. She's pretty together for a fifteen-year-old. Lots of military-esque planning and responsibility. She gets pop ballads stuck in her head a lot. On the other hand there's some pretty crippling self-doubt if you want to get a migraine digging for it.
FOURTH-WALLING. As long as it doesn't include specific or damaging meta from Marvel, sure.
ROMANCE/SEXUAL RELATIONS. Nope, she's pretty darned loyal to her synthezoid boyfriend whether he's here or not.
INJURE/KILL. Injure, fine. Kill, would rather not.
ANYTHING ELSE. Ask in comments if you have more questions!

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