I haven't been on here in ages. For the last couple of months I've been using LJ mostly to post snarky comments on the Australia's Next Top Model community LJ (yeah, I know, but I live in the midwest; I'm allowed to do lame things).
A lot seems to have happened to everyone. With both the good and the bad, golly, I wish I had been there to talk to you in person about it at the Leafe or the Caf or the J-House lounge. Funny-when I left school I was so anxious to go, because it felt like I was just doing too much. Now I feel like I didn't do enough, at least when it came to friends.
A quick update on me:
-everything in personal life is copacetic.
-i've been made a moderator on a forum i've been on for ages (laugh if you must, but i was soooo stoked about this)
-managing editor of Cultureweek-that's still going well. Co-editor and I are thinking of completely taking over, but more on that later
-copy editor of The Robin. Great little student satire publication. I love helping out.
-schmoozing two publications in Indianapolis in the hopes of scoring an internship next semester
and finally
-quit my awful job! I'm working 'til December, then I'm outta there. With any luck, I'll have an internship to keep up the "professional" resume and get a nightjob bartending or waitressing somewhere (I'm 90% sure I'll get offered at least one internship). Was it risky? Yes. Well thought out? Not really. Best decision I ever made to preserve sanity, sense of self and esteem? Absofuckinglutely.
Oh, and you knew about these guys, right?