Betta Splendens

Oct 05, 2008 16:18

Few years ago, I was introduced to a new hobby - rearing of betta splendens or Siamese fighting fish.  And I fell in love with one of the species known as crowntail as I found it majestic and beautiful.  The problem with betta fish is that they are very territorial and will fight ferociously among the males or even the females.  In fact, I was so successful with breeding that I could easily get hundreds of fries till they grew up.  Another problem is the daily changing ot water if you want them to be in their tip-top conditions.

After one year, I came to a point where I had to stop the breeding as it took up so much of my time and spaces in my home.  (Just imagine how many containers I needed just to house each fish, except some females which I could keep in a bigger tank). Then I had the problem of giving away those surplus fishes, otherwise I would have to CULL them.  And I felt so bad and guilty as a Buddhist during those periods. I played the role of god to begin and end their lives because I could not cope. Of course, some betta friends recommended using them as feeders for other carnivorous fishes but I was just too soft-hearted not to do it. Someone recommended me to freeze them to death, whilst others recommended to flush them in the toilet bowl.  All these I confessed.  Despite giving them away free of charge, I managed to finally keep some till their demise from disease or old age.

Interested in betta breeding, ask me for tips

Dont you find crowntail as majestic as its name?

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Mating is the Game

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