Embarrassing Dream

Jan 11, 2009 08:17

Let me recall what I did on Saturday first.  I was at home mostly, performed little housework and then suffered sinusitis for the whole day due to the dust allergy.  Then I went out for dinner and bought a bolster as I didnt own any after moving to my new house for the last 6 months.

I thought I slept well last night hugging that symbolic icon until I was awakened by an embarrassing dream. Dreams are often weird, unreasonable, wild, crazy, etc.   I dreamt that I walked to a busy canteen and had a meal but when I sat down,  I realized that I was actually wearing a G-string.  The feeling of embarrassment was so real that I woke up to stabilize my emotions and recover from the shock.

Shit! I cannot imagine such reality in life - I have to be insane to do such an outrageous thing, parading myself in a shirt with a G-string.  Btw, I do own a G-string out of curiousity several years ago but I only wore less than 5 times, though it's still in my wardrobe.  Maybe the dream is telling me to wear G-string and hug the bolster and something fantastic will happen, e.g. strike lottery?
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