Okay, so, I doubt many of you still read this because I hardly update, but I have something very important to update about for once. So, me and 15 other Radford students are on a team for Relay for Life called "RU For A Cure." Our team goal is to raise $1000 in the fight against cancer. We will be doing a lot of fundraisers on campus to help raise money so if you would like to participate in any of them to help us out, just get in touch with me. Also, if you don't go to Radford or aren't in the are and would like to help out here is a link to my donation page for the American Cancer Society:
https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=133471&lis=1&kntae133471=E7650EE3C26E4E5D98A032FB341FA0C2&supId=112690317 Just copy and paste the link into the address bar and it should work. You all know that this hits home to me and I am sure that many of you can relate to it as well, and I just want to thank everyone in their support and efforts to help us reach our goal. :) Also, if you don't like the idea of using a credit card online, then just leave a comment and I will get you my address or number if you did need to get in contact with me. Also feel free to email or IM me. Thanks you guys, we really appreciate it and so does everyone that is fighting and struggling with this awful disease!
Jessienae04@aol.com or jrdunn@radford.edu (Both are checked FREQUENTLY.)