My year, in some ways, works like clockwork. In the fall, I start itching to knit, but the urge peters out by February. Thanksgiving to Christmas are too busy for projects, which then ramp up in January and February when I have some down time. When March hits, it's all Feast of Chimeron, all the time. And as soon as FoC is over, my gears immediately switch over to SCA and Pennsic-prep. Then there's post-Pennsic lethargy, and then the knitting itch starts again.
This summer I've got some long-distance events in the plans, which I'm really looking forward to. But between now and then, I have to survive the urge to read garb/embroidery/scribal websites all day at work, and survive the sewing projects that keep pestering me even in sleep, and try not to spend too long condensing the entire Pennsic University schedule down to a manageable size (it's never released soon enough!). And I mean that all in the most delightful way :)
So, I saw this meme on Justin's lj, and figured why not, I've got SCA on the brain anyway. Very long, read at your own risk:
- Been an officer? (Local, Regional, Kingdom, Society?) Locally, yes, I was a Dance Mistress. I make no claims to be a good one, but I do know that the guy who succeeded me was also dubbed "the Dance Mistress" so I think I left a good impression :)
- Do you have an SCA name? Yes
- Do you have an SCA persona? A sketchy outline, yes
- Changed persona because of different garb? No, the plan is more or less to play the same general persona in several time periods. Because Viking garb is just not enough OohShiny for balls.
- Been adopted by a person, household or clan? Co-started a household in order to adopt other folks.
- Had a name and/or device accepted by the SCA College of Arms? Yes
- Had a name and/or device rejected by the SCA College of Arms? No
- Been taken or taken an apprentice, protege or squire? No(t yet).
- Have rank higher than an Award of Arms. If so, what? Yes, a Keystone (that I have *not* been living up to lately, need to work on that soon).
- Been an Event Steward/Autocrat? No
- Cooked an Event? Not Feastocrat, but I love cooking at events.
- Taught a class at an event? Yes.
- Run an activity at an event? Comes with the Dance Mistress job.
- Ever fought at an event? No
- Done a different martial art at an event? Archery
- Ever run a martial activity at an event? No but I have wanted to be an archery marshal for a long time. I just don't put myself forward enough to get through the process.
- Have rank as an archer? Sort of. By my own reckoning, I made a new rank, but the relevant scores never showed up officially and now I'm so far out of practice that I'd be embarrassed to try to claim it.
- Created a siege weapon? No
- Have you ever entered an A&S contest? Not yet. Tried to last year, was defeated by a blizzard.
- Have you ever won an A&S contest? No
- Ever run an A&S contest? No
- Ever judge/critique items in an A&S contest? No
- Ever wordsmithed a scroll? Not an SCA one
- Illuminated a scroll? Not an SCA one
- Done the calligraphy for a scroll? Not an SCA one
- Made your own paper? No
- Made a book? Yes, and I can't wait to do it again.
- Make someone's order medallion? No
- Write someone in for an award? Yes, and I ought to do so more.
- Have you ever sewn your own garb? Why, yes, I have.
- Sewn garb for others? Yes, but veeerrryyy slowly. I'm deathly afraid of failure (and have enough personal examples that I feel I'm justified).
- Ever been sewing on the way to an event? Yes indeed. And joked about sewing while driving.
- Researched and completed an outfit from said research? Sort of. Nothing yet as a faithful reproduction, but plenty of general research to make sure it looks right.
- Ever taught a class on sewing? Yes.
- Finished a hat? Do coifs count? But no, no hats yet.
- Do you know how to spin? Academically, yes. Not interested.
- Ever woven your own fabric? Does trim count?
- Do you know how to knit? Yes
- Do you know how to crochet? Used to. Need to learn again.
- Have you ever dyed your own yarn or fabric? Yes, although only in a class.
- Embroidered a garment? Yes
- Beaded a garment? Does a veil count? I'd like to bead more.
- Ever entertained at a feast? Yes
- Ever ran a bardic circle? No
- Ever performed in a bardic circle? Yes
- Had songs requested from you at such? Not personally, only in the "everyone should contribute" sense
- Ever competed in a formal bardic? Not in the SCA
- Know any period songs? Hm. Actually period? Maybe not
- Been banned from a bardic circle for a song/performance, or have a piece you perform banned/controlled? Not that I know of.
- Ran a court as Nobility (King/Queen or Baron/Baroness)? No
- Ran a court as Herald? No
- Heralded at Court? No
- Been an Attendant, Guard or Champion at court? Yes
- Been called to court to receive an award, if so which one/s? Yes... I forget whether it was the AoA or Keystone, the other I wasn't present at court so I got it later.
- Been called to court to present something, if so what? No
- Been called to court for punishment? No
- Been part of court 'shtick?' Planned to, but it got scuttled.
- Done something while watching court, e.g., spin, sew, embroider, if so what? Yes, anything with a needle.
- Had a royal comment on what you're doing? Heavens, no!
- Have awards from more than one Kingdom? Not yet.
- Have you ever gone to Pennsic? Yes
- Ever done Zero Night? I actually haven't heard this term... is it part of land grab? If so, yes, otherwise no.
- How many Pennsics have you gone to? 8
- Ever taught a class at Pennsic? No
- Taken a class at Pennsic? Yes
- Gone to Opening Ceremonies? Often
- Been a waterbearer? Yes
- Worked a shift at Chirurgeons Point at Pennsic? When they had secretarial assistants, yes
- Worked a shift as security at Pennsic? Yes, you should see how giddy Matthias gets about riding golf carts.
- Volunteered in any other capacity? Yes (setting up the range when I'm early enough)
- Ever merchanted at Pennsic (we'll take shopping as a given)? No
- Gone to the swimming hole classic or family? Don't exactly know where they are, in fact.
- Trolled the Bog for parties? No, I can drop in on the Myrkies if I want debauchery
- Hosted a party at Pennsic? Ghetto Party!!
- Been part of a 'Pennsic building project'? Just for my own household's camp.
- Ever traveled more than 8 hours each way for a one day event? Not quite that much.
- Gone to a different Kingdom for an event? Yes
- Lived in a different Kingdom? Yes
- Have trailer hitch and trailer, mainly because of the SCA? Wish I did, but our household has one at least
- What ridiculous lengths you've gone to get to an event? Luckily I haven't needed to go to ridiculous lengths. And I decided not to be ridiculous in the blizzard.
- Run out of closet space because of garb/gear? Yes
- Ever crammed more than 4 people into a hotel room? No
- Met your future spouse at an SCA event? No, a LARP, but close.
- Met most past significant others in an SCA setting? n/a
- Have better research books than your library? Than the most local library, yes. Than my near neighbors, no (I borrow theirs!)
- Is your tent bigger than your first apartment? Bigger than my room in my first apartment (ok, not really, but close).
- How many sewing machines do you own? 3 (Matthias's is mine now too), but really need #s 4 and 5...
- Own an anvil? Not sure, haven't unpacked the basement yet.