Aug 26, 2010 23:18
Whining is not a very appealing habit, nor is it very mature. But every once in awhile, it's useful.
I'd gotten both a tetanus booster and a flu shot yesterday. Oh, the soreness all over! And today I was facing the prospect of silica chromatography at work -- the most lifting-intensive kind of work, which also involves long periods of holding one's arm up high inside the hood. Owie. I almost kept myself from whining to my labmate about my piteous situation -- it really was juvenile, after all. But I whined anyway, in the hopes of getting some sympathy. Instead, he asked why I wasn't using the fairly new automated silica chromatography system.
Brilliant! I'd never used it before, and it's so easy it's like cheating. And zero lifting involved. My whole day was saved by a bit of whining.