Oct 20, 2008 16:59
I think my fingers have blisters on the ends... that can't be a good thing. Oh wells, it s done and dusted now, my first piece of coursework that is. The comedy aspects of a play called "Billy Liar" though I can't say that it was funny at all... just painfully long to try up the notes for.
Thanks to the writing weekend I managed it, I think, can't be sure I'll be keeping all my finger though, poor things were worked to the bone! I think I should learn from experience though and start the next piece soon-ish, not leave it to be a rush on the weekend before it needs handing in.
Pretty proud of myself though, 5503 words in two days writing something I hated, about the right amount I hope to be writing for the weekends during NaNo, though writing something I like... maybe a lot more. xD
Can't wait for NaNo to come around, I've got my characters worked out the basic plot all there... though there is one thing I'm having a problem deciding. Whether or not to include a love triangle with the main pairing in it. I'm leaning towards doing it because then I'd be able to put in a lot of tension between the two main characters and this other one. Of course I know who's going to end up together, I just don't know how to fit this other guy into the equation. (Two girls and a guy, guess which is my main pairing, :P).
Off to level up on FFXII, see ya for now.