I'm so excited that Jasmine and Dave won this season of
Beauty and the Geek!!!
I have to manage at work tomorrow and I'm feeling a little bitchy. Watch out, fellow Applebee's employees. I might be cracking the whip a little bit. (Good thing none of you actually read this..)
Some people came into the restaurant tonight with one of those Hanukkah candle thingies.. what are those called? Anyway, some of the employees were making fun of them. I definitely don't agree with their Old Testament-only beliefs, but I still think they have the right to think or believe what they want and shouldn't be mocked for it. Some of the other people were explaining how the Jews only believe the OT and "we" believe all it, especially Jesus, and I'm just thinking, yah, there's no "we" about it. "I" believe, and the rest of you just go to church. Sometimes. Or pray to win the lottery. Whatever.