Dear Pansies (Including some so-called friends)

Jun 11, 2010 00:28

If you don't like being told something the straight (and yes, I admit, sometimes shitty) way, be it from personal matters to something as fucked up as your precious characters or your secret lover buddy's characters in RP, please refrain from asking me for anything remotely centred around an "opinion" or a "criticism".

And before you say I lack tact, don't make me laugh. I could be fifty times nastier and more irritable if I wanted to, to half of you. Also, there's fifty times nastier and more irritable than me out there. The difference between how you relate to me and them and how I relate to them is that I have enough of a thick skin to deal with it.

Speaking of that, grow a thicker skin. Or else you're going to be completely ass-raped later on in life. Because trust me, baby, I'm nothing compared to some people.

In short, grow the hell up and stop acting like everything is an offence to you and your dog.

Christ on a flaming cross.

Love, Me

P.S. The fact that I'm still willing to try and write and plot and talk to you, some of you certain RPers, despite being sick as Lindsey Lohan's underwear, makes this even more pathetic.

/End transmission of much frustration and scorn
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