Apr 06, 2006 15:08
so sunday's my bday...18...woot...another year older (but now with more opportunities open)...i hurt...like all over...oh well...nothin a little advil won't cure...lauren's coming tomorrow...i don't think i could be any more excited...for serious yo...gonna be back in cali like mid-may...uh...i had something else to say...but what is the question...met jer's famdamily this past weekend...they're awesome like a possum...or many possums...same diff...yeah...so bear (that's what i call jeremy) totally just fucking yelled at me...like hardcore yelling...he was like don't u fucking slap me when i was attempting to kind of shoo him away from the computer (i was reading something to courtney)...what the fuck ever yo...anywho...is time for class...woo...hoo...