(no subject)

Mar 14, 2006 22:25

I really think something is wrong with me. It is possible that I am either bi-polar or I am just psychotic and have multiple personalities. You think I am joking but I am not. I have changed my mind about a million times about what is happening with Drew and I since last night. I said some horrible things to him too. He said some bad things to me too, but I was way worse then he was. It hurts that we are not together, but it was my decision in the first place. So what is wrong with me? I am done being selfish!! That is all I do in relationships is be selfish. That is why he doesn't even want to try to work this out, and its my fault, it really is. I have to go because Julian is calling and he is upset. Ok, now he is coming over to talk so I can write a few more things. So this is what I have decided to do... Like I just said, I am going to stop being selfish, and I am going to keep him in my life as long as that is what he wants to. I had a great week without having to worry about our relationship so this is going to be a good thing. We can talk every once and awhile because he will always have a place in my heart and I really do not want to lose him as a friend because I can talk to him about things that for some reason are hard for me to talk to other people about.
By the way, Julian is a new friend of mine, and we have become really good friends already. I have made a few new friends in the past week and it has been great. Well I better go before he gets here. I love you all.

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