4 months

Nov 18, 2006 03:13

I can't believe it's been 4 months since I last posted on this thing. I have been incredibly lazy about updating.

So so soooo much has gone on...below are some highlights.

WEDDING - My neice's wedding last October was fan-frikkin'-tastic. I was soooo incredibly impressed by the heart and soul she and her hubby put into the planning and execution of the big day, and all of their efforts were worth it. I enjoyed the MC'ing gig that night too, I have to say. Was a ton of fun.

VIDEO - Oh how I love my PVR. How did I ever live without this thing? And with the new DVD Recorder so I can archive some of my fave shows....*drool* I love it. Like so many other 'expensive' purchases, I himmed and haaa'd [?sp?] over getting these things for such a long time and finally, after busting my butt to run my big annual conference, I decided, "WTF, I deserve this!", so off I went to make the purchases. The upside, I watch what I want, when I want, and the recordings are soooo clear. And, thank you to whomever invented Time Shifting. I love you, whoever you are. The one downside...I haven't watched live TV in so long, which includes the news. I have no idea what's going on in the world outside of the few things I hear on the radio before I slam my hand down on the snooze button during weekday mornings. Pathetic, I know, but it's my one joy right now...my wind down from stressful work days, so really, right now, I don't really care if I'm uninformed right now.

WORK - Another one bites the dust. Now my director resigned and today was her last day. She got an amazing opportunity at one of the big banks, and I can't blame her. She was going nowhere fast where she was. Her leaving is extremely bitter sweet...I'm happy for her, and sad & worried for us. Sr. Management has no time to worry about the last 4 of us left until they pass the sales season, and conference in January. Once that happens, the thing is, we are so small, that ANYTHING can happen to us. They can decentralize us and move us to different areas; They can move us to Boston; They can decide that they would rather have 4 extra headcount in the Sales Offices rather than in T.O.; They can decide they don't need us at all. Who knows. At this point, all I want right now is to make sure I see my bonus in March. I have worked extremely hard this year, and I deserve it.

I didn't even see summer this year...much like any year. I ran my big conference at the end of August and I outdid myself once again. When it was over, it was already Labour Day, and I had so little of the great weather left to get out and enjoy. But, on an upside, even I can stand confidently and say, "Damn. I did amazing!" The conference was fresh, and new, and excellent, if I do say so myself. For the first time at these conferences, I also partied with the people. I had an AMAZING time. I gotta party with my pals far more often than I do.

FAMILY - I haven't seen my sisters in awhile. I miss them. I missed out on the last family gathering as I was in Palm Beach attending a conference. But, I'll see them soon, and I will also be going to see J,K and the kids in TX for New Year's. Air Canada was having a seat sale and I decided to get in on it. I'm looking forward to getting out of here. I really need it.

APARTMENT HUNTING - Although I had the intention of starting the apartment hunt after my conference was over, the thing is, once that conference was done, I was pretty much physically and mentally done myself. I worked insane hours of overtime...I did O/T straight for at least 3 months, many nights til 2am. I sucked it up and kept a happy face on just to get through all the stress, so when I had a chance to actually take a breather once the conference was over, my body gave out and I was absolutely exhausted. The thought of apartment hunting made me want to cry, I was just sooo tired. I really needed a period of time where my stress levels were reduced, so I decided to put off the apartment hunt til spring when the students leave town and rent costs drop again.

FUN STUFF - (in no particular order)
Carm and I had a blast in Palm Beach. It was amazing being a conference attendee for once instead of the person running the damn thing. We got to stay at a real hoitey-toitey hotel, toted as "The Billionaire's Hideaway". You shoulda seen this place...unreal. But...I had never seen so many bad face lifts, or expressionless women in one place. I saw a woman whom I didn't know if she was smiling all the time or just couldn't close her mouth...then another woman who was talking so excitedly to us about something and yet, her face barely moved. WOW. It's sad to think that so many women there may think that it looks normal. I mean, I've seen that stuff on TV...but to see it in real life...what a wild experience.

I groped D's ass. OH MY! ha ha ha. At least I can now cross that off my list of things I wanted to do before I die. Ah, he was drunk, I was drunk. He oggled my boobs and made no secret of it. I told him to bend over, he did, I grabbed. End of story. We have never spoken of this again since. But I will store that in the vault just like the time a drunken R told me he loved me. Yeah, I know it didn't mean anything, but at least I can say...."R said he loved me", "D was mesmerized by my boobs" and "I grabbed D's ass." It was all in good fun.

Gonna go see Wicked next week, and I can't wait!!!!!

Am soooo looking forward to being off of work from Dec. 22 to Jan 6. Am also hoping to go back to Hawaii in May.

Had the craziest laugh at work today. A systems person set up a training environment for me, and dummied up an email address as "...@XXcockfortest.com" My first reaction was, "No way. She can't be serious." But then, realizing that I am the User Acceptance Testing Lead, I started to laugh my head off....especially telling people that I had no idea that I was supposed to test cocks, but would of course, do the best work I possibly could for the company. I am after all a committed and dedicated employee...and although testing cocks was not in our original scope, thought I would not just lead the testing execution, but I would also participate in it. We got this email at about 1pm. NO ONE on our side of the floor worked this afternoon, we were too busy laughing so much. Many people almost peed their pants, and some laughed so hard they started to mini-vomit. I took great pleasure in making the project manager deal with the gal to get the email address changed to something more appropriate. I was pinned with the "You found it, you tell her" deal, of which I promptly responded..."Oh no. I'm escalating this one to S to handle. There is no way I can keep a straight face while trying to explain why the "...@XXcockfortest.com" email domain was inappropriate. As the Test Lead, I had many volunteers who wanted to do testing, and many who wanted to be the cocks to be tested. Yup, some days, I truly love my job. (Some days I hate it too, but that's another journal entry.)

I found out that my pant size has gone down by 2 sizes. OH HAPPY DAY! I really needed to buy new ones, and last week, tried on some, and realized...shit...no wonder I've been feeling so dowdy lately. The pants I've been wearing are too big. Needless to say, that made my whole damn month.

I gotta start Christmas shopping. I really don't want to. I hate Christmas shopping. Yuk Yuk Yuk.

OH, I met the hot guy on the 14th floor of my apartment that the ladies have told me about. Yup. He's pretty damn hot. I'd like a glimpse of that McYummy again sometime soon.

OK. That's about it. Time for me to got back to my PVR to watch all the shows I missed this week.

Til next time, which may be in another 4 months from now...Happy thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all that other stuff.

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