Dec 17, 2006 15:53
The night began easily enough, slip a tab of mr clean decalled paper, and from that point on everything became technicoloured art form.
The beautiful world exposed itself while I was walking back from University Kwikway in a desperate seach for cigarettes. All of a sudden the sun began to set and the world set itself up into glittery-fire.
I could see every ray of light, and it was awe inspiring. Imagine seeing every speck, particle, everything. After being overwhelmed by the new-found real world I went back to a friends room and watched the suns reflection on an old school building as it set.
Me and my friends then started to really feel it and we decided to go on an adventure to the downtown core of halifax. I, believing the entire world was actually only MINE decided against bringing a purse or wearing shoes. SO we walked over 16 blocks to a cafe and bought a lemon square. I was sure at that point that we were ion outer space, and this was the Tim Hortons of the future space world. After that we went to Dairy Queen and bought a box of bread and gravy and an ice cream cake [which was later thrown into the middle of parade square].
We went to go find N. another friend who was also enjoying the chemical experience, we found him alone, in the dark, in his room, screaming and trying to smush the tiny demons that were exploding on his floor.
My friend K. threw sugar on his bed and screamed at anotehr friend "what are you, J. the monkey cheiftain? hmmm, KING LOUISE" and then she threw sugar at N. who threw her out of the room and locked the door. Another friend, on mescaline at the time joined us.
I was lying quitely in N.'s bed, when his roomates window began to fascinate me. The wind coming in from the open window was blowing the curtains. All of a sudden a woman started to "blow" out from the curtains. I was sure she was coming from the gates of hell and she was there to take me back with her. I initially begged people to close the door so she would go away. No one helped until mescaline friend stood up and took care of the door.
After all of that happened I went back to my boy friends room. Lemurs blinked at me from his closet. Stephen Tyler was singing in his overhead bedroom light and aztec drawings traced themselves along his walls.
Right before I fell asleep the devil came to his roommates door and crooked at his finger at me, beconing me to follow him. I giggled then laughed and then told him I wasnt going to be that easy to convince. Then I fell asleep watching the lemurs in the closet and dreamt sweet hallucinogenic dreams.