Slave 4 U

Dec 05, 2009 18:07

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Sam/Dean

Summary: Dean tries to break things off with Sam but Sam refuses to let Dean go. Sam decided to tease Dean a bit to remind him what hes missing.

Sam was decked out in strangely short boxers and no top, his chest glistening with sweat and…holymotherofgod he was sucking on a iceblock. Obviously god, or whatever higher power was out there, was punishing him for something.

Authors note: I wrote this in a couple of hours, and I'm not sure if I like it or not... any feedback is welcome. Oh also it is un-beta’d so any mistakes are mine.

“Don't, stop! Nugh, don't stop!” Dean was gasping, trying to make coherent sentences.

“Sam, we have to stop. This is so wrong. It’s ... its ...fuck will you give it a break for a second? I’m trying to talk to you!” Dean gasped. It was fucking impossible to get a straight sentence out when he was on his back and Sam was on top of him tonguing over his throat and collar bone.

Sam lifted his head giving Dean the signature puppy dog look through his too long bangs. “Yeah yeah, I know Dean, ‘it’s wrong...blah, blah, blah...’ you’ve said this before... I believe you said it a few days ago. Well you know, before you ca...”

“SAM!” Dean cut his brother off pulling himself up to rest on his elbows. “I’m serious. I think we should stop. It’s not good, it’s not...normal” Dean winced at the word

“Since when have you been worried about good and normal?” Sam sat back on his heels obviously hurt.

Dean drew a long sigh. “Just please, I don't want to fuck you up alright?”

Before Sam could argue, Dean had rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom.


It had been beyond uncomfortable the next day. John had returned from his 4 day long hunt and Dean suspected that John picked up on the awkwardness between his two sons.

“So did you boys get up too much while I was away? I hope there was no trouble” John forced a smile trying to lighten the mood.

“No! No trouble what so ever, sir. Just stayed here, under the radar like usual.” Dean said stupidly fast.

John’s forehead creased as his eyebrows pulled together. “Good, that’s good”

Sam looked down at his bowl of cereal pouting and Dean could feel his chest tighten knowing he was the one to make his brother sad.

Suddenly Johns mobile rang which he quickly pulled out of his pocket.

“John Winchester?” John waited “yep and how is that important to...oh really? Wow...okay well gimme an hour to re-pack and get organised, okay? See you later bobby”

Dean and Sam sat in their seats waiting for the father to explain.

“Sorry boys, that was Bobby, apparently there’s a suspected succubus in New Orleans, I...I have to go...”

“but... but you just got back... can we come with you?” Dean said hoping that maybe his father would say yes, even though he knew what would be more likely.

John, who by this point had already gotten up and made his way to their kitchen, turned around and looked at his eldest son. “No Dean... you have to stay here, with Sam. Look after each other, okay?”

Dean stared at John for a while, then drew his lips into a tight line and nodded.

Just like he promised John took an hour to get showered, re-packed and was out the door to the ATM that was conveniently around the corner to give his boys money to keep them going for at least a week.

“Keep your brother safe, Dean okay?” John said once more before closing the door behind him.

It would have been easier to keep Sam at arm’s length if he was at school, but he was currently on holidays, the ones between graduating senior year and going to college, so Dean was going to try and distance himself from his brother without actually being distant. Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

He sat on the couch and wondered why Sam was being so quiet in their bedroom.

Sam on the bed, no sitting on the edge with his hands down his... oh fuck! Bad Dean, bad, bad Dean! He shook his head and shifted uncomfortably. This was going to be harder then he thought.

Dean looked at the clock. No wonder Sam was so quiet... it was 1:30am; Sam must be fast asleep.

As Dean tip-toed silently into their room he found he was right. Sam was out cold, legs and hips covered by a thin sheet, his torso completely bare and his perfectly shaped, oh-so-fuckable mouth... Dean sighed frustrated with himself and rubbed his hand over his face.

“I am so malfunctioned” he whispered to himself. He crawled into his own bed and turned to his side facing his brother. It took him a good 10 minutes to realize that he hadn’t closed his eyes yet.


The next day was probably the hardest for Dean, it had reached a scorching temperature of 104 °F and Sam had decided to use it to his advantage.

To Sam’s knowledge Dean was out. So Sam decided to have some time to himself, he felt he needed it. He opened his bedroom door, letting his music blare out from his boom box. He danced into the kitchen opened the freezer door and got out an iceblock, shaking his hips to the beat.

Sam had been so into his music that he didn’t notice his brother come home.

Dean was going to call out to Sam but when he caught sight of his little brother in the kitchen moving his hips to the music, he found that had forgotten English.

“I’m a slave…for you… I cannot hold it. I cannot control it. Ima Slaaaaavvee for you… I wont deny it, I’m not trying to hide it.” Sam sung.

Sam wasn’t the best singer Dean had heard in his life but FUCK! He knew how to move. Dean felt his jeans suddenly become uncomfortable tight.

Sam was decked out in strangely short boxers and no top, his chest glistening with sweat and…holymotherofgod he was sucking on a iceblock. Obviously god, or whatever higher power was out there, was punishing him for something.

“Dean I know you’re there.” Sam said loudly over the music. “your breathing gets louder when you’re turned on…” Sam turned around and smiled, still dancing.

“Britney Spears? Really?” Dean critisized trying to change the subject and fool his brother. Sam not believing him for a second, shrugged and smirked. He began moving from across the room to Dean, still sucking on that damned icey-pole.

“what are you wearing? You look like a slut” Dean said, trying his hardest to sound uninterested.

“Oh come off it! You love it!” Sam was now inches away with his free hand on Deans chest pushing him against the door.

Dean rested his head backwards trying to gain control. This was getting way too much.

“Baby, don’t you wanna…dance upon me? To another time and place? Baby don’t you wanna dance up on me? Leaving behind my name and age?” Sam swayed his hips against his brother’s and then snaked his way to the floor, to his knees, looking up at his brother smiling.

“Come on Dean… I can be your slave…Just tell me what to do…” Sam said innocently biting his lip, looking up at Dean.

“fuck!” Dean gasped and shoved Sam away running into the bathroom.

As Dean pushed him, Sam landed on his ass and hunched over. He was sure this would work and now Dean had just regected him.

Although it made Sam giggle that it took Dean 15 minutes to come out and when he did, he looked awfully satisfied.


The next night Dean had gotten back from the grocery store and saw a note from his brother.
Gone to the library to get a book, be back soon.

Even on holidays Sam went to the library; honestly Dean couldn’t of thought of anything worse. Dean packed away the groceries and opened a beer, sat on the couch and flicked through TV channels.

An hour passed, Sam still hadn’t come home. The library was just up the road; Dean began getting a bit worried. That was until 5 minutes later, Sam walked through the door, and shirt crumpled and buttoned up out of line, hair ruffled along with red mark on his neck as clear as day.

“Sam where the fuck have you been?” Dean asked getting up from the couch and moving towards his brother.

“I was at the library”

“Don’t fucking lie to me! Where. Have. You. Been?”

“I was at the library but then I ran into a friend from school, a guy, we decided to...” Sam’s lips twitched into a small smile. “Decided to catch up”

“You little shit!” Dean now had his hands twisted into Sam’s shirt.

“What Dean? I thought you said that our little thing was over... I thought you didn’t want me anymore”

“So you just decided to hook up with the first guy you recognize?”

“FUCKING HELL, Dean! What is wrong with you? You say you want this to be over, because it’s not normal, so I go out and be normal and you get pissed! Fuckin’ make up your mind okay? ” Sam attempted to pull his brothers vice like grip from his shirt but Dean didn’t budge.

“Fine, you want me to make up my mind... is that what you want?” Dean said, his face mere centimetres away.

Sam smirked and nodded sharply, raising his eyebrows to set the challenge for his brother.

That’s all Dean needed. He crushed his lips to his brothers, breathing harshly through his nose.

Sam parted his lips allowing Dean in. But Dean with all his jealously and lust wrapped his hand around Sam’s neck and tightened his fingers against the muscles, pushing his tongue into Sam’s mouth, wrestling with Sam’s.

“Sam you’re mine. No-one else’s. No-one else can touch you, can’t touch anyone else.”

Sam stared back at his brother seeing complete seriousness in his eyes.

Dean leant forward and bit possessively on Sam’s bottom lip which then Sam responded with loud whine.

“Down...get down” Dean growled, now with his hands on Sam’s shoulder manipulating him onto his knees. Sam went willingly.

Sam knew what Dean wanted and was happy to oblige. Sam opened Dean’s zipper and ripped his pants down to just below the knee and without much hesitation, he wrapped his lips around his brother, while rubbing his large hands over his brother’s thighs and ass.

Sam twirled his tongue, loving the sinful noises that escaped his brother’s mouth and the amazing taste that leaked from the most secret place inside him.

He hollowed his cheeks, increasing the suction, pushing forwards to take as much in as possible and hummed.

“FUCK! Sam! Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?” Dean gasped.

Sam pulled off and looked up at Dean knowing full well his brother wouldn’t like the answer...

“Ummm...” was all Sam said before Dean knew it was the fuck-head Sam had been with before he came home.

“You fucking little whore!” Dean said, with something between desire and pure anger.

Sam was a little taken back; he had never seen his brother so serious before and Sam felt so strange knowing it turned him on.

Sam leant forward to continue sucking off his brother but before he could reach the flesh, Dean’s fingers were entwined into Sam’s long hair pulling him roughly away.

“nuh-uh-uh forget it, I don't want you’re dirty lips on my dick!” Dean pulled Sam to his feet and pushed him over to the couch.

Sam knew that even though the words that were coming from Dean were harsh and cruel, he wanted Sam; he wanted to be with Sam.

After Sam finished thinking, he realized that he was now on his back, his pants and boxers are discarded onto the floor and his knees are pushed up to his chest.


“Shhh shhh shhh...Sammy...I’m gonna make sure that you never want to fuck around with anyone else. You’re mine!” Dean spoke to Sam like he was trying to convince him, even though that’s all that Sam wanted; he only wanted to be with Dean.

Dean rested his index and middle finger on Sam’s bottom lip.

Sam narrowed his eyes. They had never done this; Sam had never done this...

“Suck or I swear to god, I’ll fuck you dry” Dean used his ‘don't question me, boy’ tone.

Sam opened his mouth and sucked on the two digits, not liking the way his brother was talking to him, yes it was a turn on but fuck! He should watch what he’s saying; Sam grazed his teeth along the flesh then biting down until it allured a groan from Dean. Getting them as wet as possible because he knew what was to come, he pushed his tongue between them and used all the saliva possible and as Dean pulled his fingers out Sam’s mouth was dry.

“Brace ya self kiddo...” Dean whispered gruffly as his pushed his fingers into Sam’s hole.

Sam arched his back at the sudden sensation.


“That’s right...good boy” Dean voice unexpectedly turned and was full of love and care, he ran his hand up Sam’s torso and rubbed soothing circles on his stomach.

Dean inserted a third finger and marvelled at the way Sam pushed down onto his hand.

“Dean come on...” Sam complained.

That was all Dean needed, within seconds he replaced his finger with his cock at Sam’s entrance and thrust inside.

“Shit, fuck, god-damn, holy shit! Nuuughh! Mother-fu-ahhh-cker”

“Well, well, well, doesn’t Sammy have a dirty little mouth...?”

“Shut the fuck up and move or something Dean! Fuck!”

“Jeez! Mr. Bossy...”

Dean began slowly pushing in and pulling out each time increasing the speed until he found a steady and fast-paced velocity that both boys enjoyed.

Dean gripped his brother cock and began pumping, matching the speed of his own thrusting and within seconds he found himself coming uncontrollably.

He leant down and placed his mouth over the already bruised surface on Sam’s neck, bit down ruthlessly and sucked an even brighter bruise over the less important one.

Sam was else’s; no-one else could share the same bond that they had. No-one would know what made his Sammy tick, what made him laugh, what made him cry and what scared him like there was no tomorrow. This mark was to show that, anything that Sam might have in the future or ever, will never replace the strong connection between him and his brother. It would be pale compared to their bright and unavoidable love.

Dean suddenly stopped with a sharp intake of breath. That was the first time he had admitted to loving his brother in an unbrotherly style.

Sam saw his brother’s eyes soften. “Dean?”

“I...I love you Sam...” he stammered

Sam’s lips curled in a blinding smile. His dimples cutting into his cheeks, and Dean felt his body shake.

“I love you too.”

Dean realized where he was and what he had stopped doing when Sam began shifting his hips and returned to pumping his brother. It didn’t take much until Sam was screaming his name and spurting over them both.

Dean pulled out of Sam, grabbed his discarded boxers and cleaned them both off. Dean draped himself over his brother, pulling a blanket over both of them and falling asleep to the sound of Sam’s decelerating heart beat.

fanfiction, wee!cest, sam/dean, slash, underage, teen!cest

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