Sep 09, 2009 00:59 can dream.
But otherwise, things are well. Braden and I enjoyed Labor Day cooking his famous turkey burgers over our fantastic fire pit, along with some of my not-so-homemade cherry pie. We then cuddled under our outdoor lights next to the bonfire and watched Flight of the Concords on our outdoor movie screen. It must be said: we have an amazing backyard. Credit goes to him for creating such a magnificent space. Now if only people would just come over and we wouldn't have to spend the holidays alone. Yes we live out in the boonies...but it's nice having each other. Plus now we have a fantastic we know what we can do for winter parties...
I am currently ASMing the Distillery's production of "Flee This Place". It's nice to ASM because I spend a lot of time observing the actors. I think observing can help a lot as an actor. It's a fantastic avant garde ensemble piece and I hope it's very successful.
I was cast in TIP's Christmas Carol and it's looking good for me to be cast in Temple's Christmas Carol too. It's very rare that I have to turn down an acting job...but I might actually have to in this case. Progress, no?
I received an invitation to audition at the Asheville Lyric Opera this weekend, as Chorus, but still YAY. It's at 9:20 in the morning...not exactly looking forward to THAT time. It's my first opera audition so hopefully I do well! They are doing The Marriage of Figaro, Don Pasquale and Carmen. Fun!
I have a new voice teacher and new piano teacher and I love life in Carrboro and I love our house and I love Braden. The money is tight, and full-time work and health insurance are hard to come by but I'm doing the best I can. The life of an artist, n'est pas? And Braden loves every part of my journey and always seems to be in awe about how I handle things and life I lead. We compliment each other perfectly. It's delightful to have someone to experience the journey of young adulthood with.