Okay, sorry for not posting for so long. School has been a bitch and still is, I just need some time off from writing my synopsis to gather my thoughts about something that happened today.
After PE today I was on my way home, looking horrid in big black t-shirt and beige sweatpants, face flushed and sweaty. To get home I have to walk through the business high school, and today just outside the entrance to the school, two guys said hi to me. You have to know that business high guys aren't usually particularly nice to me, so I usually ignore them (one time the threw snow balls at me :'( ) So I tried to ignore these two as I usually do, but for some reason they kept 'Hi!'ing me, so I stopped and said hi to them, just for the heck of it. If they were going to be unpleasant I'd give them a piece of my mind and might have to cut a b****!
Here's sort of how the conversation went (and I didn't really notice which of the guys were talking, so...):
Guy: You just come from PE?
Me: Yeah...
Guy: You go to high school here, third year?
Me: No, second year
Guy: Oh, you've been going here always.
Me: Yeah...
Guy: Oh, I haven't seen you around before. Do you live in the student apartments?
Me: Yes
Guy: What's your name?
Me: Sarah
Guy: Are you going out tomorrow night?
Me: (as a reflex) No (because I never go out!)
Guy: Why not?
Me: Uh, I don't know. I haven't thought that far
Guy: You should go out
Me: Uh, ok maybe I will
Guy: Great, we'll see you there, Sarah
Me: *walking away, while waving at them with my gym shoes*
Me right now: *Confused and scared!*
I don't trust guys, especially not business school guys. A part of me is hoping that the guy was actually interested in me, because he was pretty cute, but I WAS WEARING SWEATPANTS AND NO MAKE UP! I looked like a mess! The other part of the have seen the numerous teen movies where the hot guy asks the dorky girl out because of the bet he made with his friends, and that scares me...
So the big question is whether I should be flattered and believe that he actually was interested and then go out tomorrow night, or just ignore everything and become an old crazy cat-lady?!