Jul 16, 2017 15:09
Apparently PhotoBucket changed their plans and now you have to purchase a premium membership to link to external sites. Which ain't gonna happen for me, so most of my old NCIS reviews will look like crap now and have no screenshots. Apologies for that. I wish I were still invested enough to go back and upload them all to LJ and change the links but... yeah. Probably not gonna happen.
Also, I finally killed the account I used for storing a few things, like the mp3s for the soundtrack-enhanced version of "Time, Fleeting" or the PDF-formatted version of "Flavor". More apologies, but that renewal would have been more money I don't have.
Otherwise - still writing. Still photoshopping. Working at a wonderfully nerdy web hosting company now, doing just the day job I always wanted. Doesn't compare to staying home writing all day, but it's literally the next best thing, so I'm good.
I kinda miss the immersiveness of fandom, but I found an awesome writer circle on Facebook, so these gals are a welcome substitute. Still miss my two favorite beta buddies, who went silent and stopped talking to me for reasons unknown. Will probably still miss them ten years from now. But life goes on, and it is what it is. (Which sounded more gloomy than I intended, I think.)