Gentlefolks, I promised the final version of our "Happy Birthday Cote!" ad for today, her actual birthday, and since I won't be able to stay awake until the new episode actually airs and the guys over on Twitter set out to get #HappyBirthdayCote trending for the second time tonight, I'll drag my tired fingers across the keyboard to give you a long overdue preview.
Yes, you read that right, btw - a second time. We already trended it earlier:
For today, we even took down our usual #BringBackCote Twitter stream on the website and replaced it with a
link to all tweets tagged with #HappyBirthdayCote, and you really should hop over and browse these, because seriously, all of these love declarations just make me... happy. Many pictures of people holding signs, lots of very personal messages, and I get really emotional looking at all of these! So much love for our girl! ♥
Okay, long story short - this is finally the part where I yell "Ta-daaah!" and pull away the curtain that shrouded our project from spiteful eyes so far. This? Is the message you helped fund. The message you helped create. The message you will see in tomorrow's L.A. Times.
(Click for a huge version - not the full print resolution after all because that ended up being 12 MB and you don't need it that big. Seriously. This is about half the size and still a good resolution so you can read it all.)
I hope you'll like it as much as we ended up loving it. It was a project that gave me a lot more gray hairs than I already have, and you don't want to know how much time went into creating this... or into cursing Photoshop for crashing on me like a dead donkey...
Now, for mere amusement I decided to not make this just about Cote, but give you a tangible little gift in return, to thank you all for your support, your donations, your messages. So I made this into something you can actually use - a wallpaper. Two versions, one with the greetings to Cote, one blank, and you can decide which one you like better.
(Again, click for a much bigger version of the images.)
I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that I wanted to say more about this, but right now the thought seems to have fled and my mind is a sleep-deprived mush. I'll be back tomorrow. Until then - I love you. And thank you, again, for making this possible. ♥
Please do NOT, in any form, share these images on Tumblr. Linking to this post is fine, but I don't want to see the pictures themselves over there, since this community has been so hateful towards our efforts. Also, these are NOT base images for edits. Go make your own, don't claim or use these.