The French have joined the Revolution. And boy, are they pissed.

Jul 23, 2013 17:53

I was contacted via Facebook with an idea that thrills me: a very nice lady named Alissia told me that she is in touch with the directors of a big news program in France. It's broadcasted on M6, the same channel that airs NCIS over there. She had a meeting with them, and they agreed to do a piece on what the fans around the world are doing to get Cote back.

Now, she needs our help for that - namely, she needs your faces and greetings and messages for Cote. This is what she send me:

ATTENTION TO FANS PLEASE : Me and a friend in Los Angeles are editing a video in order to show CBS that we'll fight for Cote! Here it is, I am asking you all to make a short video (10 to 15seconds) with you holding a sign "BringCoteBack" and saying something and the country you are from. I am going to collect each video and put them all together in one big that I'll post on YouTube. If you wanna be part of this just make your own video and send it to us by email at :

She needs to get as many videos as possible before August 1st - sooner is better. So whip out your cams and film something for our Ninja!

ncis: meta, ncis: ziva

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