Just a tiny bit of quick-and-dirty musing, since I won't have the time to do the full-blown review that's been scratching at my leg before the preview comes out tonight. Sooo, let me just pull out one thought from there about the next episode, throw it out here just so it's out of my head, and hopefully it'll leave you pondering a bit. Or excited.
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And another point we shouldn't forget is, that NCIS is not a series about Tony and Ziva, and taking in account what we saw of other relationships along the way we really should be more than happy with anything more than a passing reference (I think we never saw Abby and Timmy together, allthough we were told they were together at some point), and also Gibbs's relationships were hardly ever more than fleeting glances that left us to fill in the blanks - except when those relationships were in any shape or form pertinent for the overall storyline or character development . So whatever they're planning for Tony and Ziva, I think we should be really grateful for every glance we will be given, as well as we should be deeply grateful for all those sweet moments they presented us with up until now.
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