Home improvement

Nov 24, 2012 23:26

I managed to unpack about a dozen boxes today and sort away the contents. Now the shelves in my bedroom are no longer empty, and my back hurts, but I feel damn good and productive. :)

In other news of "cleaning up" - browsing Tumblr today was insanely relaxed for a change. I browsed through so many tags of pretty things I love, but usually only reblogged "by accident", so to speak, that for the first time since I joined Tumblr I started setting up a posting queue because reblogging it all at once would have been the worst pic spam ever, lol.

It's oddly... calming. All I need to care about now is what I like to look at, what inspires me and what tickles my own brain, and now, it's only pleasant things streaming across my dash. The knowledge that I'll never join a heated, idiotic discussion over there again or waste my time arguing a point I see differently than the rest of this fandom has taken a lot more pressure off than I'd even realized was there. I feel weirdly free of tension simply because the only person to please now is me. (Not that I was ever consciously trying to please the rest of the fandom, but apparently it was still stuck somewhere in the back of my mind, I just hadn't realized it before. Weird.)

I even switched anon back on because some folks might have missed the change and get confused. And for the first time I feel like I can just ignore the possible crap coming in, shrug it off and delete it right away. I guess I'm really done with this. Huh.

Nope, I'm not tempted at all to reconsider my withdrawal. Yay. :)

me, fandom

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