I liked Dr. Ryan more than you but I too think she is manipulative. But then that's her job. And she can't turn it off. Ever. Apparently. That's why she may be good for Gibbs in the short run, over time they'll never make it because Gibbs doesn't like being manipulated.
Which leads me to my biggest problem with her. She is scared of her ex-husband, (I assume she was married to the father of her child...) Why? She hides her kid. Why? It all doesn't make sense to me. She's a federal agent. Her subordinate carries a gun and worships the ground she walks on. Doesn't she get to carry a gun, or at least own one, herself? I would think if you knew how to use Google, you could find a few references on her so she's not well hidden as the "head brain gamer" I need more input, I guess.
I did like the TIVA moment at the end and caught the same smile and music. And her face as she listened, it was so beautiful. But I didn't like her actions at the beginning of the show. It just didn't seem like Ziva. I thought every bit of it was a set up so SecNav could chew her for a moment and Tony could smile about it.
But as you pointed out, Tony does hide things from them and then almost dies. So that has to freak her out occasionally when he's vanished again. And if he took Gibbs with him... She loses those two guys...I don't think she could survive that. Not at this time in her life.
Loved me some Sean Astin. And really would like to see Elliott and Abby in a scene together.
Did love Sam Ryan's sassy bits, and Gibbs' deadpan delivery. Does anyone see kind of a correlation between Gibbs/Ryan and Tony/Ziva? One quiet, kind of grumpy, not forthcoming emotionally - the other louder, more in your face, demanding things from their partner that the partner doesn't want to give?
I liked Dr. Ryan more than you but I too think she is manipulative. But then that's her job. And she can't turn it off. Ever. Apparently. That's why she may be good for Gibbs in the short run, over time they'll never make it because Gibbs doesn't like being manipulated.
Which leads me to my biggest problem with her. She is scared of her ex-husband, (I assume she was married to the father of her child...) Why? She hides her kid. Why? It all doesn't make sense to me. She's a federal agent. Her subordinate carries a gun and worships the ground she walks on. Doesn't she get to carry a gun, or at least own one, herself? I would think if you knew how to use Google, you could find a few references on her so she's not well hidden as the "head brain gamer" I need more input, I guess.
I did like the TIVA moment at the end and caught the same smile and music. And her face as she listened, it was so beautiful. But I didn't like her actions at the beginning of the show. It just didn't seem like Ziva. I thought every bit of it was a set up so SecNav could chew her for a moment and Tony could smile about it.
But as you pointed out, Tony does hide things from them and then almost dies. So that has to freak her out occasionally when he's vanished again. And if he took Gibbs with him... She loses those two guys...I don't think she could survive that. Not at this time in her life.
Loved me some Sean Astin. And really would like to see Elliott and Abby in a scene together.
Did love Sam Ryan's sassy bits, and Gibbs' deadpan delivery. Does anyone see kind of a correlation between Gibbs/Ryan and Tony/Ziva? One quiet, kind of grumpy, not forthcoming emotionally - the other louder, more in your face, demanding things from their partner that the partner doesn't want to give?
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