Ziva being nervous about her speech? Adorable. And really, really understandable. She's totally right - she wasn't trained for that! But what I love is that she is still being put into this postition because yes! She *is* a good role model, and she of all people is a good choice to bring across the point that this is actually a career people have good reason to actively *choose*. To sacrifice some things for, too. She made that choice. She wants to be there. And she can tell them what it feels like to make a difference.
Dorneget: Please, Agent DiNozzo?
Dorneget - the last time he was on the show he didn't do anything for me, and I wasn't even feeling lukewarm about him. This time though - I adore that big bear. For some reason he didn't sound as "scripted" and he was allowed to show a lot more character this time - maybe based on the fact that this time they had a writer who had actually worked with the actor before? (Reference: the CBS "Insider's Blog" entry.) That whole scene with Tony killed me, the "Pleaaase" was adorable, and especially in light of the later revelation... hee. Hee hee.
The thing I'm not so sure about is McGee forging Tony's signature and the nonchalant line that "he's been doing it for years". That... I dunno, for some reason that makes me feel itchy, not only about McGee, but also about Ziva knowing it, and I'm left wondering why he did that and what they were up to. Sure, it made for a funny scene, but what actually happened here? Not so funny. Hm.
Tony getting hilariously distracted by seeing Ziva's speech unattended on her desk. I love that everytime he wants to snoop around, he always looses all finesse and all smoothness, lol.
Ziva: I know what you're doing. You can mess with Dorneget. But you're not getting inside *my* head.
Oh, Ziva, you silly girl! Don't you realize you just gave him the biggest challenge ever? Come on! You left the door wide open with that line! He's starting to think about how he can get there even before you stopped talking! XD (Hold on to that thought - we'll get back to it in a bit, k?)
Also, that fingersucking and the gesture he made out of it? Gah. Blow your co-worker a mini-kiss, why dontcha, Very Special Agent DiNozzo!
I wasn't all that fond of them playing the "McGee is jealous because Abby dates someone who isn't him" card yet again - in retrospect, though, I find the scene utterly adorable, most likely because Abby knows damn well Dorney's gay and she's playing along so hard that the grin almost falls off the sides of her face lol. And her "Bye, Dorney!" is just... gah, insane cuteness lol.
What I liked, though, was McGee still giving the guy an honest answer when Dorneget asks what it takes to get on Gibbs's good side. That he isn't snide (which he can be pretty easily) but actually helpful - even though he's suspicious. (Another thought we will revisit later.)
Tony actually putting on the watch at the crime scene? I dunno why, but that makes me feel weird somehow. Yeah, yeah, it's a nice one, and yeah, yeah, we get it, re-emergence of shallow!Tony... but still, this feels off.
Obligatory shallow side note - I don't have to be a pubescent male to feel my hormones raging here... *happysighs*
Really nice lighting here - warm, caressing, shaping their faces. They didn't have that in a while. Reminds me a lot of the earlier seasons, before they switched to HD filming.
Liked McGee trying to warn Dorney about the coffee mistake, hee.
Aaaand here we have the moment when he realizes how to actually get under Ziva's skin and into her head - when she instinctively reacts to him appreciating Bayar's company.
Tony: Au contraire, mon Ziva.
So yeah, he messed up the French, but I don't care because he still called her "my Ziva". ♥ And as someone who doesn't speak French I can tell you that the phrase most familiar to "people like us", the one he mangles up here? Is "Au contraire, mon cherie." Which makes my little fannish heart go all pitter-patter. ♥
Tony: Trust me, I'm an expert.
Ziva: Expert on girlfriends or callgirls...?
That look he gives her! Oh yeah, she's feeling bitchy about this, alright. And he noticed. Strike! :D
That's when he starts to play her in earnest - emphasizing his drooling, going totally over the top with his reactions to the girl etc. And boy, is he having fun with it!
Shallow side note of a different kind - Agah Bayar. Guh. Like, seriously. Have that man read me a phone book, that's all I need for foreplay. And sex. And cuddling afterwards. *whimpers* Also, it doesn't hurt that he reminds me a bit of a younger version of Antonio Banderas... man, my mind is at a really happy place after that talk he had with Gibbs! *swoons*
Such a sweet little exchange between Ziva and Abby, going by almost unnoticed:
Abby: (slurps the rest of her Caf-Pow) All gone!
Ziva: Next one's on me, you earned it.
I like how they sorta bring the girls back together, slowly. We haven't really seen them in scenes like these for a long while, but it seems like they're gradually going back to showing more of them. And I like that! One more example of them gradually fixing the mistakes now that the late Shane Brennan era has forced upon the show. Yep, they're definitely listening to what the audience has to say. :D
Aaand just like that we're getting back to Tony playing Ziva when it comes to his "infatuation" with Eva. Ziva's annoyance about the fact that she's not a callgirl after all, but a model and party doll - priceless!
Ziva: Promise me you're not gonna make a fool of yourself. Please!
You know, the funny thing about this is... that's not what she's afraid of here. Notice that she was a whole lot less annoyed when she still thought Eva was a callgirl? The reason is pretty simple, and she said it herself - Tony would never be able to afford her. (Besides, he has his issues with girls of that profession, so he wouldn't even try anyway.) But someone like this... she's no longer safe. Let's face it, if Tony really puts his charms to good use... yeah, it's not that unrealistic that Eva might give him a little more of her attention. He *is* mighty hot, after all (also, he's sort of the type Eva seems to go for, right?). And he certainly knows how to flirt, yessiree!
Intriguing little side note: love the way Dorneget leaves the men's room. Neat little character detail. ^_^
The interaction with Gibbs - nice and weridly amusing, even for someone like me who has a severe embarassment squick. Feels a lot like early McGee, in fact.
Ziva: How about I go through her unmentionables and you put out her bolo?
And Gibbs, being the good father-in-law that he is, agrees and cockblocks better than the best of them! XD
Also, Dorneget's face when Gibbs calls his name? Lols!
Speaking of faces...
"Whatever did I do to you, boss?" Hm, well, let's see... you pissed off your future girlfriend a liiiittle too much? XD
Dorneget and McGee - man, for some reason I already shipped them hard long before Dorney said he's gay. (That was just when I sat here, eyes bulging, and said, holy fuck! There's actually a basis for that!) I mean, maybe it's just the way McGee automatically calls him "Probie", how he tells him about the rules... aw, I dunno.
And you know what, some people in my usual reading circle will look at me weirdly now, but if they were to "turn" McGee and let him hook up with Dorney? Yeah, fuck, I'd totally go there, and I'd cheer loudly. Because it would make so much sense. And because he had so much more chemistry with Dorney than with any of the girls they paired him off with - including Abby. (Don't hurt me now, please. I adore their friendship to the nth degree, but I could never ever see/believe them having hot monkey sex. *That* kind of spark was always missing for me. They were always cute, but never hot to me.)
McGee: You should be taking notes on this, by the way.
I think that was the exact moment where my brain decided these two would be my first m/m ship on NCIS lol. ^_^
Interesting/vaguely shippy side note: McGee giving him his pen when Dorney can't find one. I mean, hellooooo? Remember those scenes with Tony and Ziva and their hidden subtextual partnership meanings we all talked about for ages? Hee. So McGee doesn't notice when Tony needs a pen, but he does when his new love interest Probie needs one. *giggles*
Side note: I bet McGee gets a big fat kick out of it whenever Dorneget says "Yes sir!" to him. *grins deviously*
Side note, the second: What the heck is Tony doing there in the background?!?
He's working on the second page in this shot, and it looks like he's drawing something, with different colors. A diagram? When he leaves, we see the first page - tightly scribbled with notes. Uhm, what? That's never explained later. (Although my muses already have a perfectly reasonable explanation for that lol!)
Dorneget: Did you fail the physical?
*snorts* I luvs him, in all his clumsiness. ♥
Tiny little grabby-touchy scene that feels a bit like one of their "fooling around" scenes has been left in. But do I care? Fuck, no! ;D
Chasing the suspect: nicely done. And both of them looked so incredibly yummy. Only tiny downside: Gibbs saving the day "like a boss" gets a little old... even for me. =_=
Eva (to Dorneget): Can't say I'm enjoying this. But I'm glad I'm your first.
Okay, first of all - Dorney's face when she says that! *giggles*
Precious, in light of his later revelation. And second - McGee going all jealously annoyed on that exchange? *squees some more*
Dammit, on second viewing I ship them even harder it seems! ♥
The interrogation scene with the kid makes me *really* uncomfortable. It's unnecessarily harsh and brutal, and it's crossing quite a few lines I don't want my "good guys" to cross. I could have accepted it a lot better if we'd had a scene before where the guy resists and refuses to cooperate, but like this? Dude, he's just an opportunist kid.
Inspector Chalice: Oh, don't be taken in by the young girl's good looks. She's a skilled martial artist and weapons expert.
Duh. No wonder Tony thinks she's hot! XD
Dorneget: What just happened?
McGee: I don't know.
Dorneget: We're the luckiest guys alive.
McGee: Don't count your chickens.
Dorneget: What do you mean?
McGee: Gibbs. Somehow he finds things out.
Dorneget: Not if we don't tell anyone! You're not gonna tell anyone, are you?
McGee: No. But I'm not gonna lie if asked.
Interesting exchange - bonding over this and laying the foundation for a future friendship, but also neat little double meaning regarding...
Dorneget: About the other thing I mentioned.
McGee: What, that you're gay? That's cool.
Dorneget: I don't advertise it. Not a lot of people at the agency know.
McGee: I understand.
Dorneget: How do you think DiNozzo will react?
McGee: Oh, he'll be happy.
Dorneget: Reaaally?
McGee: Yeah. Less competition.
Aside from the fact that this was the scene where Dorneget *totally* won me over with his boycrush on Tony (who can blame him?!) it's a particularly interesting scene because I think McGee grossly misjudges his partner there. Tony, being the homophobic ass that he is, will most likely not take it in stride, and he might not really have a problem with it, but he will make a lot of rude and insensitive and ass-hattey comments about it.
I adore how McGee takes it, though - as if it's the most natural thing in the world (and technically, it is). It would be totally, completely in character for me if they'd let these two hook up. *nods firmly*
Tony: I'd ask Probie One, but you can't trust him. He's got strange taste in women.
I repeat - totally, utterly in character... *whistles*
I wantz to lick him. *whimpers*
That was apparently the scene where the "behind the scenes touchy feely" shot was from. Meh. *stomps foot* Some actual handgrabbing action would have been reaaaally nice. :(
Also, McGee's sweet little smile when Dorney puts on a show for Tony? ♥
The end scene, with Agah Bayar using that bed voice the whole time? Gah. Color me dead, hot and horny.
Bayar: Come on, Gibbsy. Let me buy you a drink.
Aside from the fact that the "Gibbsy" just made me laugh my ass off... I'd be willing to bet that this will come back to bite Gibbs in the rear at a later point. Because that last shot already looks like a surveillance photo, and with the emphasis they've been putting on people being watched, followed and listened in on over the past couple of episodes... yeah, it fits the theme.
All in all - lovely episode. Schenck and Cardea did a brilliant job there. Good, solid and interesting case, even though the whole ep felt a lot like it was just the bridge to something bigger. But hey, it was about time that they started building up to the season finale, right?
The Tony/Ziva interaction, coincidentally, felt much the same to me - being a bridge and leading up to something happening. Because yeah, we've seen Ziva jealous before. We've seen her react bitchy, although I still think her feelings about EJ were based to a big part on the fact that she simply didn't trust that woman. (And that's understandable, really. She can't be trusted, she's proven thatn.) But she's never been *this* outrageously annoyed with Tony before, up to the point of actively cockblocking him. And that's a pretty telling thing. I think very soon they'll both reach the point of things being let out in the open and secrets being spilled and feelings being admitted.
Just for the record - I'd be pissed in her place, too. I mean, not too long ago he gave her this nice speech of "knowing, not thinking", and he made her feel all warm and fuzzy, and then he starts talking about looking for love, but the next thing he does is turn around and swoon over a hot Brit chick? I'd ask myself if that lovely moment he gave her meant anything at all, too, yeah. =_=
And Tony - yeah, he well and truly played her. And I think he realized that she reacted to him in a way she wouldn't have all that long ago. He has his nose on the trail now. Won't take long until something happens, I swear.
I have to admit one thing - the fact they made Dorney gay surprised the fuck out of me.
In the good way, though. Because so far, the show had trouble to even pronounce the word, and yeah, yeah, I get it, mainstream TV and all, but still. If this is one more sign of "Glassberg's reign"? Heck, yeah, I fucking love that man. He really makes me as a fan proud, because - especially in the aftermath of DADT seizing to exist - it was about damn time they lived up to their role model function. And they did this one not just right, but perfectly - it should be just as easy as that talk with McGee was: "That's cool." Because it is. Because it doesn't matter what you do in bed. Because it does not define you as a person. Thank you, show, for getting it right this once. Can't wait until you bring that boy back. ♥