I have rarely ended up loving an episode this much, so please excuse me while I abandon the carefully structured analysis for this one and resort to mindless flailing for a bit, okay?
My love for this episode starts less than a minute into it, when the murder occurs and they just top it all off with the perfect comicbook-style touch: black rose petals raining down on the victims!
In fact, my inner comic geek was more than tickled throughout this whole episode. SO MUCH LOVE HERE I SERIOUSLY DON'T HAVE THE WORDS! XD
Ziva: Unbelievable!
Tony: You finally saw "The Crying Game"?
Ziva: No! I got a speeding ticket!
Tony: Uuh. You know what that means, McGee?
McGee: The system works.
Okay, let's get the shallow part out of the way really fast here: can I lick her? I mean, like, just for fun and for hours, just because she's so yummy? Pleeaaaase...? *whimpers*
And now that this is dealt with - I love the movie reference (and the movie, btw), I love the way the banter is set up, I love the chatting between Tony and McGee, I love that this finally feels like old Ziva's spunk again, with her impatience and the speeding and the angry muttering in Hebrew.
And while I am typing this, I am forming a new, heavy theory, which basically says that all that facing of their past and their anxieties and their angst will essentially help both Ziva and Tony to find back to being a better blend with the characters we (and they) first fell in love with. (And by that, I actually mean season four, when Tony showed feelings for the first time and Ziva discovered feelings for the first time and we had our first glimpse that there may be something deeper between these two than just fun and lust.)
I think after Somalia, Ziva lost her way for quite a while, much like Tony did after Wendy left him. She had to completely re-define her life, in the span of just a few weeks, and she ended up being stuck in this "I'm gonna be an American and most of all I'm gonna be a real girl now!" mode. And believe me, there is nothing wrong with being either of these things... but I think it also confused her a lot, and she had to deal with not only change, but actually letting go of a lot of her past. And at times I think she let go of more than was healthy for her. She lost her way - she lost herself a little. And that whole thing with Ray, with going for the things that go along with "being a real girl" and that not quite being what she expected - it was all necessary so she could find out for herself what she really needs. To find balance, between who she was and who she will be.
The same actually goes for Tony, who was quite a different man when he was with Wendy. He wasn't the scoundrel who screws everything that moves. He was, as she says, a hopeless romantic, and he most likely had a lot more of the traits we've seen him display during his time with Jeanne. He just - like Ziva - pushed away that essential part of him for a long time. (This is one big thing I adore this episode for - for making me believe it, for letting me get it, for also bridging the seemingly bottomless gap from Wendy to Jeanne and thus, explaining his reaction to Jeanne and the messy end of their relationship a whole lot better to me. For the first time ever since the whole Wendy thing came up I actually don't feel like this came completely out of the blue and completely changed around the character that we used to know. For the first time it made sense to me.) And just like Ziva, Tony also needed to be reminded of what his good parts are - maybe even what he used to like about himself. They both needed to not only let go of their past, but also embrace part of it again to find balance. To make it work. To make themselves work. Because that, in the end, will make them both much stronger as a couple.
Whew. Quite a heavy thing to start out with, yes? Hee. Sorry. It kinda hit me by surprise, too. Now, let's get back to the mindless flailing... ;)
Tony: What Gibbs doesn't know won't hurt him.
Gibbs: What don't I know, DiNozzo?
Tony: Ehrm... Ziva got a speeding ticket!
That, also, is so much "old school" NCIS that I'm wiping away tears of laughter here. Also, Ziva's "sympathy flinch" when he gets smacked? Loooove it! XD
Ziva: Do you ever get the feeling he enjoys being smacked in the head?
McGee: I'd rather not think about it.
Side note: One thing I loved is that finally, finally there was some expression back in Sean Murray's face. For the past two years I have seen him look more and more the same in each scene, and I really mourned the Probie from past seasons because he had always seemed so much more expressive, with his eyebrows going all over the place and all. Now, for the first time in a long while, I saw glimpses of his old facial expressions again, and oh god, I missed that McGee so much!
Palmer crying about the caterer? Win! XD
Tony: Holy undergarments, Duckman! Is that what I think it is?!
LOVE the vague note of a superhero theme in the score when Ducky opens the shirt and reveals the costume underneath. Love the Batman reference. And I completely, utterly adore Gibbs's grin when he catches on with that reference! XD
Shallow side note: It's that time again. That time when Sammy wants to lick her screen. Because seriously, their faces! And Ziva's little frown and her chewing on her lip and... ack! *licks*
And that look of complete adoration on her face... I mean, it's nothing new when she looks at him, of course, but it still hits me right where it counts, every single time.
And so we reach... the Wendy.
First of all, let me preface my comments about her by saying that I actually... liked her. O_o Yes, I still have some serious issues with her behavior, but essentially, I did like her, and I can clearly see why Tony fell for her. I could also see easily that there are still some emotions left between them (as is to be expected if you wanted to marry someone, for god's sake!) and I really got why he thought she'd be a good choice back then, even though she wasn't in the end. There was some actual chemistry going on between these two, and for that, I am extremely thankful.
Now, what I really loved about this? Is how they introduced her - by having Gibbs and Wendy have a history. And apparently that wasn't before she broke up with Tony because Gibbs met her when she was already a reporter. This brings up all kinds of interesting questions, folks! Does Tony know about that? Did Gibbs know back then she was Tony's ex? I find myself intrigued and at the verge of having my muses stirred here, I swear!
The whole superhero plot - oh, dear god, my inner comic geek is tickled so hard I have no words for it! That whole storyline is completely brilliant! And seriously folks, how can you not adore "Catatonic"? XD
That kitty's face! *sporfles*
Also, Abby's improvised "claws"? Genius! XD
And can we take a minute to adore the way Tony looks at her? :D
Tony: Keep looking.
Abby: Meowww.
Abby's reaction to Wendy - oh dear god, I'm dying over here, I swear! (What do you want to bet that photo found its way to Ziva and McGee, like, ten seconds after that talk? XD )
Ziva: Here they come!
I seriously cannot stop screaming and flailing over that whole scene because it is simply, utterly brilliant, from Tony grabbing Gibbs and then letting go because he gets the silent glare, from the tiny exchange between Gibbs and the other Gibblets, the goddamn adorable expressions of both McGee and Ziva, up to the tiny jerk of her head Ziva gives McGee when they run after them to snoop! Sheer, utter brilliance! *flails*
I liked how the first actual talk between Tony and Wendy plays out. I really bought him softening up against his will and the "nice to see you" part, and yeah, the whole thing took me nicely through the different stages, from "I hate her guts" right up to "right, I forgot I liked her, dammit".
Plus, how can I not adore this scene when it ends with Ziva snooping?! XD
Tony: Come on. I invented that.
Yeah, maybe, Tony, but at least they bring up some case news to gloss over the fact they were just snooping! XD
Also, Ziva's face when she's sizing up the competition:
Nope. Sheeee doesn't like her! XD
The best thing about that, though? Ziva's face when McGee says "She is cute" and she looks at him first as if she wants to say, "Hey, you're supposed to be on my side!" And McGee nods in this weird way at her is if he's about to say, "Well, she is" and Ziva actually... mellows a little. As if she almost has a "Yeah, well" on her lips. Hee. Hee hee.
Okay, yeah, I'm pic-spamming here, I know, BUT CAN THESE TWO LOOK ANY CUTER?! CAN THEY?!?
Love the way they go from "damn, that poor sucker" to being pretty sympathetic once his dad start's to tear down Clarence/ICU in front of them. ♥
Clarence: He's just pissed because I refuse to go into the family business!
Ziva: I can relate.
Tony subconsciously mirroring ICU's stance - god, I am freaking in love with this! XD (Also, works nicely with Wendy's words later about her "hero cop", yes?)
Also, I'm madly in love with Ducky's story about his own RL superhero! :D Also love that he is a lot more sympathetic towards their activism than Gibbs is. Love how he shows Gibbs that these people basically channeled their grief in much the same way Gibbs has.
Gratuitously showcasing the pretty:
Also, I am madly in love with Ziva's smirk! I want to have babies with that smirk! ♥
Yeah, I admit it, I felt good when "Wendy lied to them". It worked pretty well to soothe my little shipper heart. Also loved the way Tony is in the following interrogation - facing her, probably close to being as ruffled as he was with EJ because he doesn't like it at all when his women lie to him. Side note, though: I like how she's surrounded by the most intimidating men on the planet, but still holds her own and doesn't back down once. Nicely played!
Really, really interesting scene - Vance asking Tony for confirmation if Wendy's telling the truth. Sort of like "You know her best, you read her!" The really fascinating part is Tony's clear hesitation when he looks at her while she poses a little and gives him her most innocent look ever. Because he just realized he doesn't know her - last time he saw her she surprised him just as badly as the next suspect, after all. Because he thought she'd marry him and be happy with him and then she told him she wouldn't, and he had no idea that one was coming, either. (Which, essentially, uncovers the reason for two interesting things about Tony at once - for one, why he has sometimes trouble actually trusting his own gut... and why he always suspects the spouse.)
Vance: Agent DiNozzo, given the circumstances, if you like I could assign Agent David.
Tony: No way in hell.
So, there's the glaringly obvious fact here - that Tony seriously doesn't want Ziva to have some alone time with Wendy. And you know what, I don't care how many of you think that's just because she's a nosy co-worker - this feels a lot more like there is more going on to me. Not physically yet, of course, but he clearly has issues with his new flame getting to grill the old one.
The other thing, though, is the way Gibbs suddenly looks at him when he says that - sort of a double take, going "Huh? Wait, what?". Because I think this is the moment Gibbs realizes there is something more going on, too. That Tony's answer isn't just because he doesn't want Ziva to snoop, but rather because he has personal issues here.
Wendy: Since when are you not hungry?
Tony: People get not hungry, it happens!
Wendy: Not to you, it doesn't.
I actually loved that exchange. It really felt like old familiarity coming back. And you know what, I know that enough people probably screamed about the kiss, and yes, I was not happy while it happened either, but essentially? I don't really mind. Because in the end I bought the scene. I get that he has tried for the past nine years to run away and never look back, to (literally) screw this woman out of his head and never quite managing. (It's interesting to see that in some things he is a lot like Ziva, you know - just shutting out what hurts him, walking away instead of facing it.) And I get that emotions boiling high and his anger rising can also easily lead to this kind of short circuit.
Would I have minded if this had gone further? Heck, yes. It would have made me a lot more uncomfortable, and - especially in the light of her admitting she intended to use him minutes earlier - it would not have been a good thing to do for Tony. Just one more way of punishing himself, of clinging to a woman who has left his life quite brutally. (Granted, she's one of the few who's still alive... *snarks a little*)
That said, I have deep, passionate love for Fred, the little cockblock. ♥ Seriously, I want to adopt that kid - not just because he stopped this from going any further, but because he's as snarky as his mom and he's definitely not dense!
Tony: If you had to pick, which one was your favorite "Harry Potter"?
Fred: The one where Harry isn't kissing my mom.
Tony: You saw that.
Fred: Don't let it happen again.
And I think that Tony really recognizes that Fred is a force to be reckoned with and that he's not gullible. Nice. The only real problem I have with this scene? That was no seven-year-old. =_=
Loved the scene between Tony and McGee in the car. Loved the mirroring "Since when are you not hungry?" Loved that Tony admitted he's confused. Loved loved loved that McGee figured out he smooched Wendy! Loved that McGee actually asked "the good questions" - what happened? And what does Tony want to happen? (That's really the thing he needs to figure out now, right?) And I loved Tim's "cue the subject change" lol. A lot of scenes in this episode showed that this team really knows each other inside out these days. And I adore that.
Loved Tony's abuse of the "sonic diversionary weapon" lol. For the first time in ages he felt to me like he was having a really good, fun time. :D
Tony: Before you judge, just remember - if things had gone differently, this could have been McGee.
I swear, this has to be my favorite line of the whole episode! *wipes away tears of laughter*
Love Tony running off after he hears that Ziva's alone with Wendy. Love Abby being a fangirl and wanting a picture with the RLSHs. And I totally adore Gibbs's sigh of frustration at that while McGee stays and takes the picture. :D
And now, for the scene that had us all in a puddle of goo on the floor - the scene that had Tony trapped between his former and his future girlfriend. ;D
So, you probably expect something deep-thinky about this scene from me now, right? Something that sounds coherent and makes sense and uncovers some hidden insight into the deeper analytics of storytelling here? Okay, here goes: Oh sweet baby Jesus WTF OMG I CAN'T ALL THOSE FEELINGS!!!
*clears throat* Yeah, that was pretty much my initial reaction. And you know what, I'm still not immune, even after watching that scene a dozen times. The moment all these "Hi"s are thrown around, when Ziva is oh-so-subtly reminding him that she's there, too, all the while desperately trying not to appear jealous and failing... that's the moment I always lose it and stuff my fist into my mouth and start to giggle like a crazywoman.
There are several things I love about this scene, and they start out with the way they sort of behave and feel like a couple to me. Like, seriously - did I think for one moment he had more eyes for Wendy in this scene, just because he kept staring at her? No way. It just didn't feel like that. He was just incredibly anxious to learn what Wendy told Ziva about him.
Also, the way Ziva wants to back out, but Tony actively stops her from leaving - grabs her arms, holds her there, pulls her incredibly close, at that... closer than he is to Wendy. Let's repeat after me: a lot of actual physical contact going on here.
There's a heavy symbolism in that simple act - he wants Ziva to stay, to stay with him and in his life while he really doesn't mind Wendy backing out all that much.
Fred says hi and likes Tony? Uhm, dear Wendy, I don't think so. ^^
Tony: Okay, let's hear it.
Ziva: Hear what?
Tony: I'm sure she said something.
Ziva: Is there something to tell...?
What I love about this exchange is the incredible intimacy of it - their tone of voice, the way he wants to know if Wendy blabbed about the kiss, the way he clearly doesn't want Ziva to know about it. They feel SO much like a couple here, again, that it really boggles my mind a little. They might not be quite there yet physically, but in their heads? Boy, they are so committed to one another!
Ziva: Actually, that was something Wendy mentioned about you - that you were one of the most honest people she knew.
Tony: Really?
Ziva *sighs*: To others. She said the only person you lie to is yourself. Which she says you do a lot.
And Wendy is quite right there, is she not? We've known for quite a while that he ignores what's good for him, that he has an annoying tendency to obfuscate and be weird about what he wants, but it's interesting to know that we're not the only ones who noticed. ;)
One other thing I love about this scene is that, once again, Ziva talks to him quite openly and doesn't hold back anymore. She has come so far during the past months, trusting him so much lately, ever since the Ray thing went sour, and I love it - I love that she lets him in these days and doesn't hesitate anymore to tell him how she feels. (It's probably one reason why she had such trouble hiding her open, raging jealousy.)
I also love that they didn't turn this into a bitchfight in the end. That Ziva seems to have learned that Wendy is indeed an okay woman and that she actually seems to have quite a good understanding of who Tony is. Love the kind of creepy bond that creates. I seriously wouldn't mind Wendy coming back... preferably *after* they turned Tony and Ziva into a couple, though. That could turn out to be really, really interesting!
For now, though, I will keep enjoying the fact that Ziva keeps being outrageously jealous and keeps doing a piss-poor job at hiding it! XD
Tony: Hard to believe they're so small sometimes.
So much love for one single line! And that's really Tony - he actually flows over with emotion sometimes, so many of them that his poor heart can't hold them all. He just never shows it. That's also a reason why I love love LOVE the talk between Tony and Ducky - the way Ducky simply calls him out and slaps him in the face with a few truths.
Ducky: You're alone because you never did, as you just said, put it all behind you.
Ducky: Perhaps fate has given you another chance at closure.
And that's what I've been saying all the time: the sole reason Wendy showed up now. So Tony can finally face his demons, conquer them, overcome them. So Tony can really put his past behind himself and move on.
Love how Tony actually seems to listen and is really quiet and lost in thought after this talk. I also loved how Tony actually went and talked to every single one of his partners/friends during this episode (with Gibbs being the one big exception) and learned a little bit from each of them. I bet by the end of this ep the poor boy's head was spinning!
Abby: And you noticed that we noticed. And that is why we all get along.
My inner geek (both movie and comic) had a big fat laugh at the driver's license of Clarence, btw. PETER PARKER MUCH?! XD
Ziva: Oops. That's me. Must have dialed the wrong number.
Gibbs: What number did you dial?
Ziva: The murderer's.
Love this whole end scene. Love the twist, which felt pretty believable to me - the dad trying to get his wayward son under control, even if it meant incriminating him. (The land deals later also made sense to me. I've rarely been this satisfied with the actual case file.) Loved how the killer tried to get away and ICU stopped him lol! And oh my god, Gibbs bowing to him in return? PRICELESS! XD
Was I really that surprised by the killer? Naw, not that much, because as soon as they showed Clarence's ID it was clear he didn't do it. He's too much like a good kid to be the real killer. (Besides - the real bad guy was Laura Palmer's dad, for crying out loud! No way was he going to be the good guy lol! XD ) But I liked the ending, I thought it was really fitting, and I really liked the whole case file. I felt good about it. And I liked the guys who played superheroes, even though they were belittled a lot - they actually did good there. And even if Clarence's dad had been right and all his son did was give toys to sick children... seriously? I don't see anything wrong with believing in what you do, standing up for what's right and being a good role model.
And thus, we reach the last scene. Once again, there is so much in it that it boggles my mind, so to look at it properly - let's have a closer look at what's actually being said here, and then I'll throw a whole bunch of random observations at you, okay?
Wendy: You wanna know why I left.
Tony: I wanna know why you said yes to me when the answer was really no, I wanna know why you waited until the very last minute to tell me the truth, but most of all, my runaway bride - I would like to know why.
Wendy: Would it make a difference now? I mean, if you weren't so sad and so lonely, you wouldn't even be wondering.
Tony: Sad and lonely? You have me confused with Bosco. You'd like to see my little black e-book?
Wendy: Show me whatever you like, but it's not gonna change what I see with my own eyes. You should tell her how you feel, whoever she is.
Tony: A, that's not gonna happen. B, get outta my head, and c - answer the question.
Wendy: I left because I wasn't ready to meet the one, okay? And you were the one.
Tony: That doesn't make any sense.
Wendy: Are you sure? Because from what I see you spent the last nine and a half years avoiding relationships. I was just broken first. Which is why I left my hero cop and married a stock broker who cared more about money than people. I wasn't ready to meet the one when we met, Tony. But I sent you that invitation because I am now.
Yeah, apparently Wendy still has a sense for him and his moods after all these years, and she easily sees through his smoke screens. She easily sees there's someone else on his mind and calls him out on it, which I totally love about her. I love that he doesn't deny it, btw - that he tells Wendy to "get out of his head", which basically confirms what she suspected. The only thing he says is that he won't tell "her".
And really, to all of you who roll their eyes now - does that actually come as a surprise to you? After all, not too long ago, despite that one hot glance they shared at her desk, Ziva was with another guy and was seriously considering marrying him! And even though that didn't happen - Tony most likely thinks she's still hurt and vulnerable and maybe pining about Ray or whatever. He's not the kind of guy who swoops in when someone's defenseless like that - not when that someone matters to him. I firmly believe that he'd fall for Ziva in a heartbeat, head over heels, if she would give him a clear indication that she's interested right now, but until then - his feelings are on the backburner. Because it's the "right" thing to do, in his opinion.
I am not completely sure I buy Wendy's excuse of him being "the one" and her younger self being simply overwhelmed with it, but I sure do appreciate one thing - she picks the right thing to put Tony's troubled mind to rest. She says exactly the words he needs to hear to start believing in himself again: she left him not because he was flawed, not because he did something wrong, not because he wasn't good enough... she left him because she wasn't ready and he seemed too good at the time.
So, do I believe - like some people - that they'll turn this into a Tony/Wendy affair or even into a love triangle? No, not for one second. Most likely it'll still take a few more episodes until both Tony and Ziva come to terms with their emotions, but this episode brought us forward once again in giant leaps. It brought closure, it brought minds to rest, it was facing the past and coming out stronger than before.
Would I mind seeing Wendy again? No, not at all. I feel, at the end of the episode, a lot like I felt after "Devil's Triangle" and meeting Diane - she's a good character that could actually enhance the show. And I think - since her last line was sort of an open invitation and sort of an "I still know how to take what I want!" - that her showing up again, with things as they are between them right now... well, let's just say her next appearance will definitely force Ziva into action. And believe me, that girl will stake her claim in a heartbeat. *nods firmly*
Oh, right - there was that other discussion going on, with lots of people coming up with lame-ass arguments why "Tell her" on Tony's bucket list could never be Ziva. Well, I guess after this episode we can safely rule out that it concerned Wendy, yes? Because he had nothing to tell her. If he'd been talking about Wendy, he would have written "ask her", because that was what meeting her was all about - finding out why she had given him the boot.
Do I believe it will be Jeanne? For god's sake, no. Why would he need to talk to her after all these years? Telling her anything else than he did earlier would only rip open old wounds and hurt her badly, and I seriously can't see him doing that.
So, yeah, that only leaves us with the logical conclusion of "her" being Ziva, since I cannot for the life of me imagine the producers will slap another random female in our faces. And guess what, since there's an upcoming episode called "The Tell", I'm sitting here currently, leaning back and grinning smugly.
See you next week! :D