So, we pretty much all agree that Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo has great hands, right? Strong hands, nicely shaped, just made for holding... things. Or thighs. Or... well, you get the picture.
His hands can use any number of descriptors of awesomeness.
But the one word that does not work for them is "calloused
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I can't say I've ever noticed anyone writing about Tony having calloused hands, but I agree that it doesn't really sit right for me with the character. I don't see him getting manicures either, though.
Those lovely long fingers...mmmmmm....*gazes dreamily into space*
Oh, that I do, actually. He spends an insane amount of money on his haircut. He values the finer things in life, like good clothes and well-made shoes. (Remember him fondling dad's cashmere tuxedo!) In my head, that works. ;)
Does he like the finer things in life? Absolutely. But would he go so far as to get physically pampered? I'm not so sure...
I also think recent encounters with his father have made him a bit more aware of the shallowness of that attitude, and he seems to be putting less emphasis on appearances than he used to. Remember his little rant in the shower in SWAK about how they're burning all his designer clothes? I can't imagine today's Tony going on like that.
I guess in my mind it isn't too much of a stretch because I was with a guy once who was as masculine as they come - like, Gibbs would look like a big ol' softie next to him.
And once every couple of months that same butch, buff guy went to get his nails done so his hands don't look like crap. ;)
Just as in Europe men were using skin care products YEARS before guys here ever adopted the idea.
So, we're each looking at Tony through the lens of our own personal experience with men. Make sense?
Makes me want to learn more about how to make them myself - you make it look like so much fun! Where do you get your screencaps?
So far all I've been doing is taking print-screens of the DVD's, pasting them into MS Paint and then putting text over top, then saving as a .png file to get the best quality I can. Pretty basic. The icon here is an example of one I recently did.
I did stumble across icon_tutorial awhile back, but I haven't had time to sift through to find the most basic information. Most of the questions on there seem quite advanced and are way beyond me.
One more question, and I promise that's it: is there any trick to ripping the DVD's onto your hard drive? I've tried copying the files, but they were all protected and I couldn't get anything to open. The only way I've been able to do it is to just pause the DVD and then hit "printscreen" to capture the shot.
Thanks again for all the great advice!
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