So far, I didn't like Amanda Palmer as a person too much (as much as you can like/dislike someone when you only see a few promotional things), but I have to admit, music-wise she is really getting to me lately. (And yeah, yeah, maybe I'm just jealous because she got to marry Neil Gaiman. ^^)
And now she hit me with the weirdest and weirdly catchiest tune of the new year - also one of the best fuckin euphemisms EVAH: "Map of Tasmania" = a girl's pubes.
The vid is slightly weird, but not showing anything and mostly hilarious because some of the "decorations" just make you snort your soft drink around. And I swear, I've been playing this stupid song so often since last night, it's no longer healthy. ^^
Edit: Seems like the song is currently offered as a free promotional download
on Amanda's site - of course you can buy it, but if you "name your price" and enter a zero, you'll get a free download link. Coolz.
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