(no subject)

Jul 01, 2010 18:52

io9.com has a scathing review of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" online that is so wittily nasty that it is a pure joy to read. They insist that for the first time, M. Night Shamalamadingdong made a parody on purpose. Then they prove their theory in hilarious detail. :D

It's an absurdist masterpiece, in which a million things happen but nothing takes place. (In completely flat 3-D.)

So, the great director *coughs* responds to critics not being nice. Apparently, he hasn't even bothered to read any reviews yet. When told how his "masterpiece in diversity" was received so far, he failed even more:

It must be a language thing, in terms of a particular accent, a storytelling accent. I can only see it this certain way and I don’t know how to think in another language. I think these are exactly the visions that are in my head, so I don’t know how to adjust it without being me. It would be like asking a painter to change to a completely different style.

Right. Not bothering to learn and advance is being excused by artistry. Does he have an ff.net account, too...?

So, in case anyone is still thinking about seeing this and hasn't heard of the massive racist fail this movie has committed, read this post. Pretty much sums it up perfectly.

silly as they come, movie talk, fail!

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