
Oct 01, 2010 00:38

I say that because I'm going to make a commitment to actually use this thing.  I forgot all about it, actually.  Probably have months of reading here, if I want to catch up on everything my LJ friends have written.  Likely that won't happen.

So here I am now.  Things are a little calmer in the Pilkhouse now.  There are a few jobs scattered around.  I went full time in a job that I like very much.  Is it over the top to say that I love my job??  It's a great floor, and most of the people I work with are great.   A few are not.   A couple treat me like hired help because I'm a HUC, not a nurse.  Oh well.  When it comes to cleaning up poop, that is their job.  I'll stick with my paper and my small wage any day.  :)  I probably am smart enough to become a nurse if I wanted to but I don't.  Forget that shit.  Doesn't matter - I like what I do and where I do it.  I also like the fact that I can depend on a regular paycheck every two weeks!   Wow.  I can pay my bills.

There is this super cool thing at work.  We get "cash bank" hours.  It is kind of like a Christmas Club of sorts.  You start accumulating hours the first of the year, ending the end of Sept.  In Nov. they give you a check, unless you use those hours for time off.  I didn't.  So that means I get a check for something like $300.   Considering it just took $404. to fix the brakes on my car, that is a very good thing!

Summer was good.  Andy and I spent a good deal of time kayaking.  I will have to do a post on that because it's worth it.  We have such great rivers here in the Saginaw area.  Now it is getting cool again.  The trees are turning and it's getting really pretty outside and it smells really good.  I love it.

Andy is doing awesome.  He is 99 percent better as far as his gait goes.  He loves his job in security at Covenant.  Training ended today I believe for him and now he is beginning the job, picking up extra hours until he can go full time, as I did.  Our 35th Wedding Anniverary is coming up, Oct. 6.  We will be going to Algonac State Park to watch the freighters go by.  We have a "front row seat" and plan to listen to appropriate seafaring music as we just relax and appreciate all the goodness to life.  I think the toughness just makes us appreciate the good times better.

More later because I have stuff to do.  Bye!
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