150426 Sunday as in weekend coming to an end

Apr 26, 2015 08:21

It is Sunday already everybody!!

This means that the day will pass very fast and we will be going back to work, school etc. again tomorrow and another week starts! /sigh It is really tiring sometimes, to wake up early and do this and that before weekend comes again. Weekend goes by so fast and the work days just creep by slowly like a snail. Anyhow, we have to work, study and whatsoever for a reason and should not complain. Fighting!


Remember how I kind of complained about treating those guests from Aruba? How I didn't want to have hotpot with them and all? Well, in the end, it happened and we still had hotpot. /sigh.
I have to say I was partly full, but not that full to the extend. I knew that would happen, but I went to bed anyway with a grumbling stomach.

We did order whatever we liked to eat and all, but I have noticed that those guests weren't really into hotpot anyways. Not that they minded or anything, it just wasn't their thing, I guess. But, luckily I sat at the very end of the other side of the table, with the girls and had a quiet talk with them. Got to know them a little bit, but still could feel the awkwardness between them. We differ like 10 years from each other and have nothing in particular we could talk or discuss.

I tried coming up with something, just so we could keep the conversation going, but it only ended with either "Yeah, this..." and "Yeah, that...," No matter how hard I tried to rack my brains to come up with something to talk about with them, there were still moments were we just sat there and not say anything, wishing to go home quick.

After a three hours' of agonizing torture (of sitting there in awkwardness), the guests finally decided it was time to leave, because they wanted to go to the casino and wanted to hurry up very fast. Hahaha, the old man practically jumped up from his seat as a sign that he wanted to leave and the others had to follow. After greeting and thanking each other, we finally left and the payment will be done tomorrow.

Life Lessons

Three years ago, my life has completely changed from a normal get-up-go-to-school-come-back-home-and-help-in-the-supermarket-and-the-cycle-goes-on routine, I have learned quite a lot. I have shed so may litres of tears and may have fallen victim of depressions from time to time to finally get here where I am now.

Back then, life wasn't easy and it still isn't that easy. I was forced or more like trained to work and get used to waking up early because of school. I can't blame my parents from forcing me to wake up early, because it has finally made me immune to getting up late. My body has already adjusted to the early time and bed time. It was only time management I had to learn. I do understand that one can be lazy from time to time, but in the end you have no choice but to force yourself to do things or else works keep piling up.

So, back to the actual topic. I have been told, reprimanded for a whole lot of things I got angry in the end and held quite a grudge against the ones who actually meant it well, but made it sosund otherwise. What I have noticed, that we learn things from out parents by either hitting or screaming how dumb and stupid you are. But, nowadays we youngsters don't like that and don't even try to understand and change for the better, because we simply see it as a scolding and be on our merry way, not knowing the consequences.

However, when parents had given some explanation as to why they forbid this and that and why they scold us for this and that, then we might try to understand and change slowly. From my experience, my parents may have not taught me a lot nor explained the reasons behind some of their expression, but after listening and trying to understand from a parent's point of view, I kind of get it now. I have come to a conclusion that we rather have the parents talk to us than yell at us for the stupidest and smallest things.

I do understand they meant it well for us, but the way it is said we take it they get angry for no reason. Then again, our parents may not have the bestest schooling or maybe they weren't taught either, so they can't teach us the right way, because they simply weren't taught how. All we know is that we have to live good, do our best and work for the better, that's all. But other things like protection from the cruel outside world has never entered our zone.

After encountering a couple of people who has made some time and explain some things to me, I had no choice but to reflect on myself and whatever I have typed earlier is what I have concluded in the end.

And finally having found the main reason as to why I am like this, I had to find a way to change. To change for the better. Because wherever you, whatever you do, the outside world will judge and no matter how good of a person you are or you think you are, their point of view can never change once you have given that impression of yourself to them.

lesson, ramblings, thoughts, real life, people, random, life, personal, food

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