Jun 03, 2004 22:33
this was going to be a happy post. like. YAYY! OMG! i just showered WOOHOO! and incole is so stupid. haha , but i lvoe her cuz shes hilarious:
Nini17877: u.......suck.......hen's..........ass.......get........out..........of ...........the........shower.....now....so......i....can...talk.......to.....you.......i....am.......going......insane.........i.....think.......im.....high.......on.......drugs......and....life......for......that.....matter.......i......love......you.......michelle.........this.......is.......supprisingly......fun.......to.....do.
mushie713: u chicken
NBBernard1017: u hen
but i just got mad at my mom. and its her birthdaty. oops. oh well.. what does she expoect when she leaves me at home to rot without food and end up having to eat a load of shit and stumble in at 10:30 saying "oh we were at taipan.. oh and i didnt even bring u food!" gee thanks mom.. rub it in why dontcha!? haha. yea. gotta go write a apper.