first of all thanks for insulting me on your live journal instead of talking to me (real mature) and secondly I don't know if Sean told you why I was upset. Well I was mad because I've given up tons of my time to help you and the other novices and that round made it seem to me as if you didn't listen to anything Caroline, Sean, or I said. It's OK you missed a huge case flaws and it's OK that you didn't use any of the blocks but what upset me was that we have gone over extending arguements about 1089430283490238409 times and you didn't extend one. If you had extended like three arguements on the aff side of the flow or evenn just Kuznats curve you could have easily won. But you didn't use anything that we all spent so much time working with you on. I might have been a little harsh, I didn't know you had heard what I said to Sean in the hall, and the reason I didn't talk to you was I didn't want to yell at you and make you more upset. So sorry that you are mad at my frustration and i'm not mad at you for losing AT ALL I really don't care if you win or lose I just care when I think I've given up my time and energy for nothing.
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