Jul 25, 2004 18:30
meche385: you answered the phone all grumpy like and then you said its ww3
JoeC00123: ooo
JoeC00123: i dont kno
JoeC00123: cause my reenst and andrea
JoeC00123: were being mean
JoeC00123: and i had to retaliate
JoeC00123: and it got ugly
meche385: and how did you retaliate
JoeC00123: i started to tap dance in the kitchen
meche385: lol
JoeC00123: and im fat
JoeC00123: soo it made alot of noise
meche385: hahaha
JoeC00123: then i started singing
JoeC00123: and they kicked me tot he basement
meche385: what were you singing
JoeC00123: i dont kno
JoeC00123: i was freestklying
JoeC00123: wit celion dion