Mar 09, 2005 12:02
remember a couple entries back.... my superhelpful guy standards? well i'd like to bring one in particular back today......#5
let me refresh your memory if you forgot number 5 or you don't feel like scrolling down to read it:
5. I will not date a man who drinks or does drugs to an extent that makes me uncomfortable
The story behind this:
Well there was this guy I was dating. Basically me and this dude were totally in love(or at least I was). Until one day we broke up and he broke my heart and didn't want me back and stuff like that... So I got retardedly sad over it for a long time until I finally got better over time. Well after a long time he knows I still love him and he decides to give me another chance (I know that sounds really dumb and thats not really how I see it now, but I'm talking as if I was back then) So we start dating again for a while and then we break it off because of some dumb reason and I'm just thinking we are both too proud to tell eachother that we want eachother back - but I am WRONG sooo wrong. He already has another g/f one of the many girls he cheated on me with. So we stop talking for a long time. Then one day I decide to talk to him because I miss him... So we start talking as friends and it has been a long enough time where I feel that I can safely do this without being hurt by the fact that he is still dating one of the girls he cheated on me with. So I learn about some bad habits of his and it makes me sad and I wish I could help him and change what he is doing but he won't listen to me. So I decide to keep being his friend and try to keep him out of as much trouble as I can - even though it is affecting my life, my opportunites etc... So then he tells me him and his g/f are broken up for good, and naturally I am excited thinking maybe he can concentrate on getting better and one day maybe we can be something. So I finally decide to tell him how I feel like about how I think he could do so much better if he just got motivated and blah blah. So a couple days later he calls me and says "I wanna be with you and I want to change for you" and stuff like that and I think to myself this is what I've been wanting to hear for such a long time, but now that he finally said it - is this really what I want? Do I want a guy who cheated on me, lied to me, took me for granted, used me, the list goes on and now he's probably just settling for me. And then I thought about it some more and I thought wait.... he's not settling for me I'm settling for him. I don't want to be a babysitter I want a man who can carry on intelligent conversation... One who will treat me like a princess which is how I deserve to be treated and who will respect me! Ok I know this is a lot to talk about but I just had to get it out of my head. The only thing left to say is.... It's over.