Ya Divorce sucks since I had to go through it freshmen year.....but at least my parents sre still in the same town. I am very sorry that this has happened and hope things turn out ok.
lin. maybe i don't know exactly how you feel about this. i was little when my parents had a divorce. so i really didn't know what was going on. but when my mom remarried when we were in oklahoma it was a lot different. i was a little older then and i hated the way he treated my mom.they got divorced. i'm sorry that your parents are getting divorced. and like i said i don't know exactly how to help you with this because it's a hard issue. i love you lindley and like i tell megs if you ever need to talk i'm here. call me. if you can help me with my problems then i can help you with yours. that's what friends are for, right?
Hey just to let you know me and Mary are here for you! We love you.. thats why we tp'd your car! We care for you! And we should have gotten a shout out!!!! BUt for real.....we are here for you! And ask brittany about her getting tp'd! ITs real funny!
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*ash n Mary*
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