Jan 19, 2006 09:42
So here I am sitting at school, im supposed to be drawing the layout for a house but im not....
I havent been updating very regularly, i have been too busy.
Sunday i went to a meeting for Haiti after church and i found out that i will be going for sure. YAY!!! it should be a lot of fun. There is one other teenager going besides me and meg, a 13 year old boy. lol. that should be weird. I already have $450 saved and i have $112 for my passport, plus enough money to buy my self a little something and to get me through the next two weeks. woohoo!
Monday was my birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
Tuesday I went to the basket ball game with meg. we also went to get rallys and ice cream cake after school. it was scrumptous. mmmm...and we won the game!!! yay!!
Yesterday i went after school to the post office on margaret to get my passport application. i filled it out and i will turn it in today. I will also start a bank account today because i dont like having $500 dollars just chilling in my room. it makes me uncomfortable.
I have this huge art project due monday and i only have half of it done. woohoo... art all weekend. just what i wanted my weekend to be like.
I have a huge craving for pudding. good thing megan got me pudding for my birthday. i think i will go home and eat it. lol. Speaking of birthday presents, megan finally gave me mine, i got a new purse! which i am so excited about. its a light blue and red happy bunny purse with funny sayings on it, and she got me pudding and crispy mazing mini bars. mmmm yummy!
well i will update more later. :P